He is still alive?

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Hovering roughly 200 meters above ground both Lincoln and Alina gazed at the surroundings with a reminiscent expression. "This place..." Alina whispered under her breath. More than a thousand years ago the scenery was once filled with beautiful, lush field and exotic plant and a lake that stretch far into the forest.

Beautiful fairies and wild beast once called this place their home as they lived in harmony with nature. In the center of the forest the "God of death" Castle once stood tall in the center.

However, the scenery that reflected in their eyes right now was nothing like they remembered. The mountain and forest were completely covered in ice and snow. The majestic structure of the castle that would make one want to lower their head in reverence and admiration was completely gone. There was no trace that indicate it was even there in the first place!

"The entire castle is gone! Th-Those bastards!" Alina roared; she furrowed her brow in displeasure at the same time a tremendous amount of energy burst outwards with Alina as its core. "Wha?!" Lincoln was taken aback by her sudden outburst his face contorting in a show of surprised as his body was sent flying backwards from the fierce wind pressure.

However, Lincoln spread his black raven wings outwards to stabilize his flight. "H-Hey, calm down... rampaging won't change anything, you know." Lincoln said as he tried to appease her rage.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!...

However, his words failed to reach her. Alina's amethysts eyes were like two black bottomless abysses, there was not a single trace of emotion could be seen on her beautiful face. Her magical energy came outwards like an endless torrent! Stirring the winds in the surrounding!

The sky rumble, the ground split and broke apart as spatial cracks appeared in the sky, from within the crevices black lightning of annihilation flickered outwards.


A large portion of the mountain was cleanly destroyed and lost their structures as half the frozen forest was completely destroyed as the surroundings was struck by the black lightning bolts.

Seeing this Lincoln clicked his tongue before he used a movement technique to appear before Alina.

"Hey, will you get a hold of yourself already! Have you forgotten the real reason why we came here? What do you think will happen if you destroyed that thing?" Lincoln tightly grasp Alina's shoulders as he bellowed.

Alina gasp as the light of reason finally returned in her beautiful amethyst like eyes which glisten with tears. All of her most cherish and precious memories reside here, but now all of those memories were nothing! Just like a transient cloud of smoke they faded away and disappeared with time leaving no trace behind.

"I can understand your pain and anger, but please calm down... we will definitely get revenge for our master. But until then there is something important that we need to retrieve." Lincoln said, with a serious face.

"... S-Sorry." Alina said, as she held her head down in shame. She wasn't very good at controlling her own emotions and tend to act with her fist whenever she gets too emotional.

Alina grounded her teeth as she clenched her fist, "... Your right, this grudge will be repaid one hundred-fold!" Alina declared.

"Yes, it certainly will, it's only a matter of time before those arrogant gods who view themselves as higher beings to know the true essences of death." Lincoln said, calmly.

After they had buried Hendrix's remains, they had done some investigation regarding what had happened after they were turned to stone.

They were naturally shocked to find out more than a thousand years had already passed since their battle against the god of earth.

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