Conversing with the ice princess. (2/3)

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Aurora sipped her warm tea with graceful movements as she waited for Kenta to organize his thoughts. Back when she first saw him during his introduction in the classroom, she had sensed a subtle trace of divinity emanating from him. Because of this, she suspected he had also gained the blessing of a god.

Naturally, she was curious about the identity of the god that had given him his blessings which was why she had invited him here. Her beautiful silver eyes shone like that of pearls as her lips curved slightly in interest. Meanwhile, Kenta was frowning as he thought about the information, he knew about the ice goddess.

'From what I have read the ice goddess was one of the most troublesome goddesses among the goddesses that existed in this world. Arrogant, cruel and haughty, her very existence seems too resonant with the concept of coldness.' In a way, she was very similar to the god of death who viewed all others as beneath him.

Why did the god of death and the ice goddess had a bad relationship? No matter how much he pondered, Kenta couldn't find an answer. 'But the fact that she gave them her blessings meant that there must have been something about the ice queen that got her interest.' He thought with a puzzled frown.

[I remember back when I was still bonded with the previous flame goddess, the ice goddess was among the strongest goddesses of that time. Her name was Marzanna... She and my previous master never gotten along.] Agni explained.

'Ah, right you were once the divinity of the flame goddess in the past. Can you tell me more about the blessings of gods? Like how exactly, does it work?' Kenta inquired; curiosity laced in his voice.

[Each god or goddess can grant their blessings or rather, divine protection onto mortals whom they have chosen. The blessings itself is nothing more than a small increase in strength. For example, if the god of death had given his blessings onto another being they would be able to influence the aura of death to a certain extent. I remember all his undead also received his blessings in the past.]

Hearing this Kenta raised an eyebrow, back when he first summoned the soul eater sword, he wasn't able to control the aura of death at all. It was only after he had comprehended the law of death to five percent did, he became aware of the existence of the aura of death. And once he had reach eleven percent did, he finally gain the ability to manipulate this unknown energy.

As his comprehension was still very low his understanding of the aura of death was also very limited. But what he does know is that this energy was one of the most corrupted energies that existed, it was extremely weak to divinities on the scale of light, energies such as light and life are its nemesis.

Similarly, death aura and nature energies are incompatible with the other. Because of this, the goddess of nature and Hendrix could not get along well either.

But those who could influence the aura of death could easily decide who lives and who dies. The aura of death was an energy that drained all forms of life until there is nothing. 'The fact that he could bestow such an ability onto another is quite frightening.' Kenta thought with a frown.

There weren't that many who could use divinities of light, so far only the goddess of light and the goddess of life could face Hendrix in a direct confrontation.

[Indeed, some of the gods of the higher world believes the goddess of life and the god of death came into existence at the same time to preserve the balance between life and death.] Agni added.

However, Kenta's eyes twitched when he heard the mention of the goddess of life. 'Eh, did you just say goddess of life? Are you saying there is also a goddess of life as well?'

[Of course, there is. If a god of death exists what's so strange of there also being a goddess of life?] Agni asked, confused.

Seeing how nonchalant Agni was being about this Kenta had to put a lot of effort in maintaining his expressionless face. He could already guess what relationship Hendrix had with the goddess of life just from his stirred emotions.

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