Laws and comprehension?

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Back inside the tower of power Kenta was currently reading the old and ancient looking book he had received from Lize before she left.

The book seems to be enchanted with some mysterious power, as Kenta could easily understand the contents well even though it was written in an ancient and forgotten language that was completely unknown to him.

The information was well detailed, it explained about each of the gods and goddesses, explaining about their vastly different abilities and appearances. There was also information about each of their spells and divine artifacts.

As he read Kenta couldn't help but furrowed his brow slightly. After reading for roughly three hours without rest Kenta finally closed the book as he sighed.

"As I thought the current me is definitely no match for those beings... Just to be safe I should maintain a far distance from them for the time being." Kenta said with a serious expression, with his current strength if he were to encounter a god, he would be completely powerless against them.

[Indeed, dealing with the gods is much more difficult than dealing with ordinary humans. You should try increasing your comprehension on the law of death, the law of lightning, and the law of fire.] Agni suddenly suggested.

"Hmm... raise my comprehension, you say? What do you mean?" Kenta folded his hands as he asked with a puzzled expression.

[In order for a god or goddess to use a universal law they need to have some level of understanding about said law. It is only when they have a deep level of understanding does it become possible to use the laws of the universe to their full potential.] Agni explained.

[Once they have some level of understanding about the law, the divinity of said law is formed as a symbol of that understanding.] Agni continued.

"Eh, so they can only use elements they understand, then why isn't that the same for mages? All mages can use different types of elements without the need of having to go through such an arduous process."

[Of course, there is a vastly differences between the two, mages are able to use magic through the use of the magical energy in the surroundings. It was said that the goddess of magic once granted her blessings here which is why this world is filled with an abundance of magical energy.]

[However, the gods who comprehend universal laws and the laws of nature are able to use these laws in a more versatile manner. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say the gods who comprehend laws literally become the embodiment of said laws.] Agni added.

Kenta gently placed his hand beneath his chin as he sunk into deep thought, Agni remained quiet after that waiting for him to sort out his thoughts. He had received a lot of new information.

'Mages harness magic through magical energy found in the surroundings, the magical energy was then used as a medium for the mage to control different kinds of spells. While gods became the energy needed to use universal laws?' Kenta ponder about it deeply but sighed dejectedly in the end. He really didn't understand the complexity of the matter.

"... Agni if I remember correctly Hendrix, used the law of death, right?"

[Yes...] Agni replied, unsure why Kenta was suddenly asking about the god of death. "Does that mean he also comprehend the law of death?" He inquired curiously.

[.... Most likely, as far as I know that man was the only known God to have comprehend such a powerful law.] Agni replied.

"I see... If I really am his reincarnation then I guess I won't have to worry about comprehending such a law, right?" Kenta asked, his voice sounded really hopeful.

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