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A peaceful morning air blows through the garden of the mansion, the temperature was quite cool with the season slowly changing into winter.

The time was 7:00 am In the morning. It was obviously too early for anyone to get up. So, most of the mansion's residence were still asleep.


The sound of something cutting through the air could be heard. A small boy who seems to be 11 years old was tightly holding a long wooden sword in his hands. With each of his swing, his bright blonde hair fluttered gently by the wind.

His swing was still rough, but they were pact with enough force to cleanly split apart a tree branch.

'My training seems to be improving my stamina a little.' He thought. Usually after swinging around his arms a few times, he would be completely tired and worn out. But now he didn't feel as exhausted as when he first started his training.

"Phew." A small sigh escapes his mouth as he put down the wooden sword he was just holding.

Clap~ clap~

His ocean blue eyes stared into the direction of the noise. What reflected in his deep pupil was a girl with long silver hair. She was an absolute beauty; one you couldn't find just anywhere.

"Were you are watching me the entire time, Ellen?" He asks gazing at the girl who was standing by a tree just 5 meters away.

"Fufu… I was just going out to get a glass of water, when I saw you leaving. I was curious about what you were up to so."

"So, you decided to follow me." He said finishing her statement. "Are you mad?" She asks peering at Kenta's expression closely.

"... Mad? Why would I be mad?" He said a bit confused.

"Sigh… never mind. But aren't you cold?" She asks looking at Kenta's body.

He wasn't wearing any shirt. Only a black short his body was also covered with sweat. From his training.

"Hmm… maybe a little. I guess I didn't notice until now." He said tonelessly. "Jeez… you have to take care of yourself too, you know." She said in a worried voice.

"I am taking care of myself." Kenta replied. Walking towards the mansion's door. Ellen followed behind him with a gentle smile on her face.

"So, are you going to eat with us today. Kenta?" She asks waiting for his reply. "Humph… I don't know, I'm not the best at being around people." He said in a low mutter.

"Ah… I see Mr antisocial."

Kenta's brow twitches slightly when being called "antisocial" "I'm not antisocial, you know I just don't like being around too many people." He said clarifying.

"Fufu… Isn't that the definition of the word 'antisocial'" she said amused by his response.

Kenta only kept his silence when he can't retort to her words.

The two made their way inside the mansion. "Oh, you two are up early." A man wearing a stylish white suit said with a slight smile on his face. His short brown hair was neatly styled.

"Uncle. Where might you be headed so early in the morning?" Ellen asks with a gentle smile on her face.

"I'm going to a meeting within the royal palace." He said calmly. "Oh, is that so." "Yes, there has been an increasing number of monster attack beyond the outer walls." He informed.

"Hmm… monster attacks happened frequently, right?" Kenta asks interested in the topic.

"Yes, the forest which borders our Nation, and the kingdom of Valley is crawling with dangerous monsters." He said. "Hm, I see."

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