The Moon and War: Strongest Man in the World

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Scene Break - Location: The Moon

As Zaegar lounged on the moon's surface, his tiny dragon form perched atop a pile of discarded automata and space pirate corpses, he couldn't help but find the situation utterly amusing. With an oversized astronaut helmet perched atop the heads of the four kings, Zaegar turned his attention to the traumatized figure of Enel.

With a mischievous glint in his eye and a wicked grin on his draconic face, Zaegar leaned in close to Enel, his voice dripping with sarcasm and dark humor.

Zaegar: Say, Enel, have you ever heard that it's perfectly legal to own slaves in some parts of the world? Quite the fascinating little tidbit, wouldn't you say?

Enel's eyes widened in horror at Zaegar's nonchalant remark, his expression a mixture of shock and disbelief at the hollow's twisted sense of humor. Unable to respond, he simply stared at Zaegar in mute horror, his mind reeling from the sheer absurdity of the situation.

Second King: Zaegar, I don't think he's in the mood for chatting. He looks... traumatized.

Third King: let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe he just needs someone to talk to.

Fourth King: I don't know about you guys, but I'm just here for the snacks.

Zaegar chuckles at the banter of the four kings, their antics providing a brief moment of levity in the midst of chaos. Turning his attention back to Enel, he grins mischievously, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

Zaegar: So, Enel, how's the space exploration going? Find any new civilizations to conquer?

Enel's expression darkens at Zaegar's jest, his eyes narrowing with a mixture of annoyance and resentment.

Enel: This isn't a game, Zaegar. I'm trying to build a new kingdom here, one that will surpass even the might of Skypiea. But with you around, it's been nothing but chaos and destruction.

Zaegar's grin widens at Enel's frustration, his laughter echoing through the vacuum of space as he revels in the god's discomfort.

Zaegar: Oh, come on, Enel! Where's your sense of humor? We're just having a little fun, that's all. Besides, what's a little chaos among friends?

Enel grits his teeth in frustration, his patience wearing thin as he struggles to maintain his composure in the face of Zaegar's taunts.

Enel: Enough! I won't let you ruin everything I've worked so hard to achieve. If you don't leave willingly, then I'll make you leave by force.

Zaegar's laughter echoes through the emptiness of space as Enel's frustration boils over, his eyes flashing with anger at the dragon's antics. However, before he can respond, Zaegar's tone shifts, his voice taking on a more serious edge as he reminds Enel of their first encounter.

Zaegar: Oh, Enel, do you remember the first time we met? You were so full of yourself, strutting around like you owned the place. And then you had the audacity to attack me, all because I made a little joke about your long ears.

Enel's expression darkens at the memory, his mind flashing back to the humiliating defeat he suffered at Zaegar's hands. The memory of his arrogance and overconfidence stings, a bitter reminder of his past mistakes.

Enel: I remember... You humiliated me, Zaegar. But that won't happen again. This time, I'll make sure you pay for your insolence.

Zaegar chuckles at Enel's threat, his amusement undiminished by the god's bravado. With a casual flick of his tail, he grabbed a wanted poster from his ass, holding it out for Enel to see.

Zaegar: Speaking of paying for things, have you seen this old man with a majestic mustache? He's my partner in crime, and it's been a week or two since we last saw him.

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