Echoes of Grief: Farewell to Richmond

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Lee Pov

Jesus looked over at Javi and then down at his bat after we came up with our plan. Max woke up in the middle of us planning, and he had been silent the whole time. 

Jesus: Did that make you feel better?

Jesus questioned with disapproval.

David:  I wouldn't shed any tears if I were you.

David crossed his arms. 

Javi: You're damn right it did! Bastard got exactly what he deserved.

Javi snapped glaring at Jesus.

Yhwach: Emotions can cloud judgment, but they can also fuel determination. We need to stay focused on the task at hand.

He spoke calmly, his words cutting through the intensity of the moment. Javi nodded, acknowledging Yhwach's advice, while David clenched his jaw but remained silent.

Jesus: Be careful, Javi...Act like a beast, you risk what makes you human. Don't become the thing you hate.

Jesus sighed. 

I frowned.

Clementine: Javi's earned my trust. And if any of you had any brains you'd say the same. Javi did what he had to do.

Clem chimed in. 

Lee: Yeah, I don't know about you, but nobody's gonna sit there and listen to someone talk down on their child after they've just killed them.

I added thinking about if it had been Clem.  

Kenny: Just because your name is Jesus, don't make you the actual Reincarnation. Don't expect us to keep it Holier Than Thou in the middle of an apocalypse just because it's worked for you.

Kenny spoke causing me to shake my head. 

Yhwach: Jesus, your advice is valid. We must not lose our humanity in the face of adversity. However, understand that each person copes differently, and Javi's actions are a reflection of the pain and anger he carries.

Javi: Damn right.

Javi nodded, appreciating Yhwach's support.

Jesus: Well my people need to know about what we found here.

Jesus said turning away from us.

Javi: What about your missing friends?

Javi questioned. 

Jesus: I don't have time to keep looking. They'd want me to get home and warn them.

Jesus explained. 

Javi: You sure you won't stay? We need your help.

Javi questioned with hope in his eyes. 

Jesus: My people need me more. I won't forget about you though. You have my word.

Jesus nodded before turning and walking away. 

Tripp: It's a shit storm out there, man. I don't see how you're gonna make it.

Tripp called out causing Jesus to look over his shoulder at us. 

Jesus: One step at a time.

He responded before disappearing into the woods. 

David: We need to get back to Richmond now. I have loved ones in there.

David said eagerly.

Clementine: Typical, you're only thinking about what you have. We all have loved ones in that place, you aren't the only one.

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