Shadows in the Chaos

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Everyone walks through the empty streets of Savannah. Lee, Ben, Christa, Katjaa, and Kenny have drawn their pistols, Yhwach Carries a Sword and Chuck carries a shovel. Omid limps along, his injured leg now bandaged. Clementine walks beside Lee and looks at her walkie-talkie attached to his hip.

Clementine: Can't I just hold it? Just for a little while? We're getting real close to where my mom and dad are, maybe I can--

Lee: Not now, Clementine. Maybe later, okay?

Clementine: Okay.

Lee: How's Omid?

Christa: His leg's pretty bad.

Omid: I'm fine.

Christa: You're not fine, you need to rest. He needs to rest.

Lee: Kenny, how much farther to the riverfront.

Kenny: Should be just a few more blocks up ahead.

Christa: And there'll be boats there?

Lee: There sure as hell better be.

Kenny: There'll be boats. Have to be. Have to be.

Ben: It's going to be okay. Kenny knows what he's doing.

The belltower starts ringing.

Ben: What the hell?

Christa: Maybe this city's not so dead after all...

Kenny: Keep moving. No one's ringing that bell, it's automatic, on a timer.

Lee: (checks watch) What kind of church bell goes off at twenty past the hour?

Yhwach And Lee notices a figure climbing on the rooftop.

Lee: Someone's up there.

Ben: Are you sure? I don't see anything.

Lee: I know what I saw. I'm telling you, there's someone up in that belltower! Someone alive!

The radio crackles.

Stranger: If I were you, I'd get out of the street. Now.

Christa: I thought you said that thing didn't work!

Lee presses the button on the radio.

Lee: Hello? Hello? Are you there?!

Omid: What the hell was that? Is someone trying to fuck with us?

Ben: Sounded more like a warning.

Chuck: Ask not for whom the bell tolls...

Kenny: What are you yammerin' on about?

Chuck: It tolls for thee...

Dozens of walkers start to approach the group. The bell has stopped tolling.

Lee: Everybody, run!

The group kills several walkers and run through the street. A walker trapped under a car grabs onto Kenny's ankle, making him fall and drop his gun. He grabs onto a pole and tries to pull himself toward the weapon.

Lee: Kenny!

Katjaa: Kenny!

Lee shoots the walker.

Kenny: Little too close, don't ya think?

Clementine: Ben!

Ben Katjaa and Clementine are cornered against a brick wall by walkers.

Lee: No! Ben, help her!

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