The Path to Improvement: Yhwach's Mentorship

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A week had flown by since his first exhilarating day in Glynda's combat class last Friday. Since then, he found himself settling into a routine, one that now included a cozy room in the teacher's section of the dorms, just across from Glynda's own abode. Although he hadn't officially taken on the title of teacher, he threw himself into the role, spending most of his time either in Glynda's classroom, getting to know each student and their combat preferences, or buried deep in the library, soaking up everything he could about this strange new world.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of his new life, there was a rather memorable incident involving Zaegar, who managed to turn Team CRDL's dorm into a chaotic mess with what can only be described as a misguided attempt at redecorating, leaving a few unfortunate students with singed eyebrows and a lot of questions.

Upon entering the classroom, Yhwach found Glynda alone, engrossed in her tablet. It seemed fate had granted him an early arrival on this particular day, one destined for adventure beyond the confines of the classroom. Today's agenda: a first-year field trip back to the mysterious Forever Fall forest of Remnant.

Glynda looked up from her tablet.

Glynda: Mr. Yhwach, good to see you here early.

Stepping forward, Yhwach acknowledged her with a nod before casting his eyes on the display. There, he watched himself maneuvering through a barrage of attacks from team CFVY. Memories flooded back of Glynda's concern for their well-being after the skirmish.

Yhwach: You and this team seem... close. I trust you're prepared for the inevitable bruises and scrapes they might acquire under your watch.

Glynda shook her head.

Glynda: They can handle themselves, but yes we are....close. Coco is quite endearing, you will either like her or hate her.

Yhwach: What of the faunus? Velvet was it?

Yhwach asked her, keen to see how she sees faunus kind. Despite all the time he spent in the class with her, he rarely engaged in conversations preferring to watch and listen to the others to get a sense of what he had gotten himself into. As a result, he knew little of Glynda, except for the fact that she was strict on her students something that he could respect. While he was now somewhat social, he still preferred solitude over a company or at least he preferred very few people in his company when he was not inside a classroom.

Glynda: She is....shy, but she is a fine student. However, I do feel sorry for her because of what people like Cardin tend to put her and her kind through.

Glynda said.

Glynda: Why do you ask?

Yhwach looked at her.

Yhwach: Zaegar is curious about what you thought of his kind.

Glynda looked at him quizzically.

Glynda: his kind?

Yhwach glanced at Zaegar, who was perched comfortably on his shoulder, apparently dozing off. With a slight smirk, Yhwach pointed towards Zaegar and said.

Yhwach: His kind.

Glynda's brow furrowed slightly, confusion was evident in her expression.

Glynda: "His kind"? I'm not quite following, Mr. Yhwach. Is he not simply your... pet animal?

Before Yhwach could respond, Zaegar's eyes snapped open, his serpentine pupils narrowing as he hissed in offense at Glynda's remark.

Zaegar: Pet animal?! Is that what you think of me, you pompous, sanctimonious—

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