Shattered Destiny

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Yhwach observed the group's tense interaction with the mysterious stranger, his sharp gaze focused on the unfolding situation. The mention of his name had intrigued him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter held more significance than it appeared.

The stranger's proposition echoed through the room, and Yhwach could sense the undercurrents of hidden motives. Despite his limited power in this world, his instincts remained sharp, honed by years of navigating treacherous situations.

Yhwach: (thoughtfully) Trust is a rare commodity in these times. Your offer, though tempting, carries the stench of deceit, I would have to refuse stranger.

Lee: You're fucking dead! I don't know who you are, but I will kill you! Do you understand?!

Stranger: I know you will. She knows you will. Say goodbye.

Clementine: Goodbye--

The radio cuts out.

Lee: Fuck.

Kenny: Don't worry, pal. We'll get her back.

Ben: Maybe he's not that bad...

Kenny: Don't get me fucking started on you and good intentions.

Lee: Easy.

Christa: How's that feeling?

Lee: Fine. Don't worry about it.

They will remember that.

Omid: It wasn't a full chomp...

Lee: No. It wasn't.

Walkers approach the door.

Christa: We don't have much time.

Kenny: We're about to have a lot less! We'll all make sure nothing gets in. You're still the smartest fucker outta all of us. Try to find another way out of here.

The Group closes/aims their weapon at the door, they closes the door.

Lee: Just some surgical supplies.

Christa: Hey, don't worry, we'll find Clementine.

Lee: Damn right we will. No matter what.

Kenny: Don't worry about this door right now, we've got it. Lee: We're lucky there's no axe holding that door closed, huh?

Ben: Oh, shut up.

Lee: How sturdy's that door?

Ben: I don't know. I don't want to be around for its breaking point.

Lee: You keep on this door until I find us a way out.

Ben: I won't let you down.

Kenny: Are you fucking serious? That's your specialty!

Lee: Knock it off. Just make sure nothing comes through there.

Lee: I should keep looking for a way out.

Ben: Yeah, as quick as you can.

Lee: Guess there's no going back the way we came.

Kenny: No shit.

Omid: There's no going back at all if you don't find another way out of here. We've got this, you keep looking.

Lee: I should keep looking for a way out.

Kenny: Yeah, get to it.

Lee opens the second cabinet and looks at the rib spreader inside.

Lee: I think it's some sort of spreading device. Grosses me out just looking at it.

Lee takes the device.

Lee: Looks like a car jack... I don't want to imagine this being used on a body.

Lee places the rib spreader in between the doors.

Lee: I'll have these doors open in two seconds! Lee cranks the rib spreader and the elevator doors open. Lee falls down and loses consciousness. He partially wakes up when the others find him lying on the floor.

Kenny: Fuck! Is he alive?

Christa: Shit.

Omid: This is bad...

Kenny: Fuck!

Christa: Help me move him!

Lee wakes up sometime later

Lee: I'm awake!

Christa: Stop! He's awake!

Kenny: Holy hell, we thought maybe we lost you.

Christa: Do you think you'll be able to travel? You look rather weak.

Lee: Yeah.

Kenny: Good. The elevator's open. Let's go.

Lee: I'll bring up the rear; I don't wanna bleed on anyone.

Christa: We're going to have to go as quiet as possible and see if we can make it to an empty floor or even the roof. You think it's possible for you?

Lee: Yeah. Get goin'.

The Group climb up the ladder in the elevator shaft.

Omid: You okay down there? Remember, quiet.

Lee: It's no big deal. Another arm would just get in the way.

Christa: Jesus Christ, lee.

A Walker falls past the group

Yhwach: Watch Out!

Ben: Oh, man, oh, jeez...

Kenny: Shut the fuck up, Ben.

Lee: Everything okay up there?

Ben: I think I just peed myself.

Lee: So, yes, then.

the group climbs past a floor covered in walkers. They reach the roof of the hospital. The streets are filled with walkers.

Kenny: Remember when Savannah was empty?

Christa: Those Crawford bastards did one thing right, I guess.

Kenny: There must be thousands of them.

Ben: Did they follow us here?

Kenny: It sure seems like it.

Christa: That's crazy; they can't TRACK. They just roam.

Kenny: Is it? That fucking train wasn't exactly discreet.

Omid: Well, what do we do now?

Lee: We need to get off this roof as fast as we can.

Christa: It's not safe down there. We can't just walk through the streets.

Lee: You planning on growing some wings?

Christa: It's taking an immense amount of willpower to NOT make a crack about that suggestion coming from the one-armed man.

Lee: That joke'll be funnier once we know if this worked.

Kenny: Look, let's get our bearings and see if we can figure out a way to make it across town. Good? Good.

Omid: I, uh, don't think we can ignore what just happened to Lee. He lost a lot of blood today.

Christa: Omid's right. If you see yourself getting woozy know; if it didn't work, just...take it easy.

Lee: Okay. I'll probably just need to go a little slower. I know we can't afford dead weight. So, don't treat me like I am.

Christa: We won't.

Christa: Now what?

Kenny: We get down and we find a little girl out there. Right, pal? Now, let's get our bearings.

Lee: That's the church across the street from the mansion. River Street should be just beyond that.

Christa: We need to head back that way. We'll stop off at the mansion, like you said, and make sure we didn't overlook anything.

Lee: Yeah.

Lee: I might have a way to clear us a path... If I can make it to that belltower, I can draw the walkers down to that side of the hospital. There'll be thousands of them, but it'll thin out the streets between here, the mansion, and River Street, even if it's just for a few minutes. Lee: The mansion's that way. (points)

Christa: Yeah.

Lee: If we can use that belltower to bring them to that side of the hospital, it won't be an easy trip back toward River Street, but it wouldn't be impossible.

Christa: I'm with you. Just have to get over there. Lee: See anything? Ben: There's a fire escape here; that's about it.

Lee: If we use that belltower to lure all the walkers towards that side of the hospital, the road to the mansion and River Street shouldn't be too bad. Ben: Yeah, okay... but you still have to get over there. Lee: That looks like Crawford square over there.

Kenny: Fuck that place. Did fix up our boat, though. We get Clementine and get right back...

Lee: Make sure she wears her life jacket, okay? Something tells me she's not gonna want to.

Lee: See anything?

Kenny: Nah. I'm just, uh, taking a minute, actually. I'm sorry; I know I shouldn't.

Lee: The mansion's that way; the belltower's over there; if we go down the opposite side of the roof, we might be able to make it without too much trouble.

Kenny: I can do that, yeah.

Lee: What's up over here?

Yhwach: The Belltower.

Lee: Hm. Yeah. That could help.

Lee: How's the leg?

Omid: It's doing a lot better. Thanks for going into Crawford for me, even if it wasn't entirely FOR me. Clementine, too. She's tough as hell.

Lee: Isn't she?

Omid: Yeah. Don't worry more than you should about her, okay?

Lee looks at or tries to jump to the belltower. Lee: No way. It's higher than this roof, for starters. Lee picks up the ladder.

Kenny: Whoa, you need some help with that?

Lee: I got it. Lee extends the ladder over the gap between the roof and the belltower.

Christa: The bells...

Lee: Yeah, could buy us some time. Draw as many as we can this way, get down off the roof on the opposite side and bust our asses getting back to the mansion.

Kenny: You think you should be the one to go?

Omid: My leg's feeling better, let me do it.

Ben: I'll do it.

Kenny: Yeah, Ben'll do it.

Lee: If we have to decide who takes a risk like this, it should be the buy who's got the least to lose. What's the worst that could happen, I get bitten again?

Yhwach: No, Allow me to do this

Neo Soul King YhwachΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα