'Dark King' Silvers Rayleigh

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Yhwach nodded slowly, acknowledging the wisdom in Ginjo's advice and the bounty hunter's warning. Pursuing a lower-level wanted criminal seemed like a more prudent course of action, especially considering his lack of experience in bounty hunting.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Ginjo, you're right. We need to be cautious and take a step-by-step approach to this. Starting with a smaller target seems like a smart move.

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, his tone approving as he responded to Yhwach's decision.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Sounds like a plan, Yhwach. Better to play it safe than to end up as fish food in the New World. Now, let's see what other targets are on that list.

Yhwach turned his attention back to the posters spread out on the table, scanning them for a suitable target. After a moment of consideration, his eyes settled on a poster featuring a muscular man with cropped green hair. The bounty listed beneath his image is significantly lower than Kid's, but it still promises a decent reward.

Yhwach pointed to the poster, indicating his choice of the bounty hunter.

Yhwach: I'll take this one.

The bounty hunter's expression shifted from surprise to curiosity as he followed Yhwach's gesture to the poster of Roronoa Zoro, the swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Bounty Hunter: Roronoa Zoro, huh? Interesting choice, old-timer. He's a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, a crew that's been causing quite a bit of trouble for the World Government lately.

The other men seated at the table exchanged knowing glances, their expressions a mixture of amusement and skepticism as they observed Yhwach's bold decision.

Man #1: You sure you know what you're getting yourself into, old man? Zoro's no pushover, that's for sure.

Man #2: Yeah, he's a beast with those swords of his. You'd have to be crazy to go after him.

Yhwach met their skeptical gazes with unwavering determination, his expression serious as he responded to their doubts.

Yhwach: I'm aware of the risks, but I'm confident in my abilities. Besides, every bounty hunter has to start somewhere, right?

The bounty hunter regarded Yhwach with a thoughtful expression, his gaze lingering on the newcomer for a moment longer before he nodded in acknowledgment.

Bounty Hunter: Fair enough, old-timer. If you're sure about this, then who am I to stop you? Just remember, Zoro's no ordinary opponent. He's a skilled swordsman with a bounty to match. You'll need to be at the top of your game if you want to stand a chance against him.

Yhwach nodded in understanding, his determination unyielding as he prepared himself for the task ahead.

Yhwach: Thank you for the warning. I'll keep that in mind.

With that, Yhwach rose from his seat, his mind already racing with plans to track down Roronoa Zoro and capture him for the bounty. As he made his way out of the bar, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of his first bounty hunt.

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, his tone supportive as he offered his encouragement.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Good luck out there, Yhwach. Remember, we're in this together. If you need backup, just give me a shout.

Yhwach smiled inwardly at Ginjo's words, grateful for his friend's unwavering support.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Thanks, Ginjo. I'll keep that in mind. Let's do this.

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