The Struggle Within

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Author Note: Since no one provided suggestions for the baby's name, I reached out to a friend, and together we decided on the fate, name, and other details for Omid and Christa's baby.

16 Months Later

The group has been surviving for quite a while now. Christa had her baby, a little girl that she and Omid decided to name Olivia.

It's been tough these few months, especially with the baby here now. After everything happened at that public restroom, we never saw that girl again or her group.

But the stress from us constantly watching our backs, wondering if they were out there looking for us, took its toll. Christa went into labor, even though it wasn't time yet. Olivia came out loud and strong.

Christa: The woods are too wet to burn. It's more smoke than flame. At this rate, we'll be eating this for breakfast.

Omid: It's okay, Hun. We'll make it work.

Omid held Olivia in his arms and said,

Clementine: I'm freezing.

Christa chuckled and said, "You think this is bad? Wait until we get to Wellington, and then talk to me about cold."

Clementine: Is it safe there?

Yhwach: Yes, if the rumors are true, then perhaps it will be a safe haven.

Lee: Don't worry, Clem. Like what Yhwach just said, if the rumors are true, then it will be safe there.

Clementine: I believe you, Lee.

Christa: I'm gonna go look for more wood; you just keep the fire lit.

Omid: Do you want me to come with you?

Christa: No, that's okay, hun. You stay with little Olivia here.

Yhwach got up and walked over to the fire, poking at it to keep it going. Clementine watched on silently as Yhwach tossed a small log onto the fire. Yhwach reached into his pocket, pulling out a book and a lighter. Yhwach ripped a few papers from the book he was reading and threw them into the fire. He was about to light it up when he looked up at Clementine, asking her if she wanted to learn how to make a campfire.

Clementine looked at Yhwach, a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes. She nodded, showing her interest in learning the skill.

Yhwach: Making a fire can be crucial for survival, especially in these conditions. You'll need to know how to do it on your own.

Clementine approached Yhwach, and he handed her the lighter.

Yhwach: The key is finding dry materials, like twigs, leaves, or small branches. You start small, then gradually add larger pieces of wood.

As Yhwach guided her through the process, Clementine listened attentively, absorbing the information. She watched the flames dance as the fire grew, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Yhwach: Fire can keep you warm, scare off predators, and even cook food if you have any.

Clementine: (smiling) Thanks, Yhwach. It's good to know.

Yhwach nodded, acknowledging her gratitude.

Lee approached the scene, having observed their interaction.

Lee: Teaching Clementine some survival skills?

Yhwach: (nodding) It's essential. We can't rely on luck alone out here.

The group gathered around the fire, the warmth providing a brief respite from the harsh reality of their world. Olivia cooed in Omid's arms, seemingly oblivious to the challenges around her.

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