Percy's Prank

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Percy crept into Nico's cabin. He could hear the tap running in the bathroom as he slowly opened the closet door. He stepped inside, careful not to let the hinges creak too loudly when he shut the door behind him.

He sat on a small mound of discarded clothes, amongst hoodies hanging down from the rail. The closet doors left no space for any light to get through so Percy would have to rely on hearing to tell when Nico was walking past.

He shifted: his aim was to get more comfortable but he froze when his hand landed on something cold and furry. Bright yellow eyes blinked up at him. Percy let out a sigh of relief. It was just Internalised Homophobia. The Cocoa Puff liked to hide in dark spaces.

With an apologetic smile, Percy shuffled away to give Internalised Homophobia some space.

Nico was opening the bathroom door now but he didn't walk over to the closet right away. The closet was positioned right by Nico's bed so ideally Nico would be sitting down when Percy jumped out to maximise his prank success.

He would only have a few seconds to leap out and Nico couldn't easily access many weapons from his bed and he definitely couldn't get a hit in without seeing the face of his opponent. It was a lot safer than Percy jumping out whilst Nico was half way across the room. That would likely result in a throwing star to the face.

Reyna gifting Nico those throwing stars for Christmas had made pranks a lot more complicated.

There was a loud thump that made Percy startle. Internalised Homophobia backed into a corner, eyes frantic. Percy strained his hearing.

"Will!" Nico whisper-yelled. "Could you be any louder?"

There was the sound of a window closing and a lock clicking.

"Sorry," Will said.

Percy winced. This was unplanned but he could work with it. He'd get to scare more people!

There was some shuffling but it still wasn't getting near the closet.

"Hey," Nico said softly after a minute. "Please?"

Percy heard Will huff.

"Really? They're mine!"

"Come on," Nico protested. "The Cocoa Puffs are out. When else are we going to be able to do this?"

Percy's eyes widened. They couldn't be talking about what he thought they were, could they?

Will tutted. "This is the second time today."

Percy gaped. He'd been training with Nico all morning! When did they have the time?


Percy could picture Nico's famous puppy eyes and put into this context it made him look back with horror at all the times they had been turned on him.

"Please, please, please," Nico said with a teasing lilt to his voice. "You love when I beg."

Will laughed. "You're insatiable."

"You could satiate me."

Percy shrank in on himself. He heard footsteps approaching the bed but he couldn't bring himself to prepare to leap out.

"Alright," Will said. Nico whooped.

"I knew it would work! You have never been more attractive. Give it to me, tesoro."

Percy wanted to stick his hand in his ears and pull out his brain. He wanted to pipe up but it seemed too late. There was an uncomfortable silence in which Percy intensely avoided Internalised Homophobia's eyes.

"Oh, that's so good," Nico murmured.

Percy cringed.

"Fuck, how did you do that?"

"Practice," Will responded.

Nico let out a moan.

"Nope! Nope! Fuck no!" Percy pushed out of the closet. Nico and Will yelped loudly. Percy was covering his eyes.

"I was just trying to prank you!" Percy complained. "But you guys made it weird."

"Percy." Will chuckled. "Open your eyes."

Hesitantly, Percy lowered his hands and pried his eyes open. Nico and Will were sitting fully clothed (thank gods) on the bed with a cookie hanging out of Nico's mouth.

Nico took a bite out of the cookie.

"What did you think we were doing?" he asked as he chewed. Percy waved his hands around wildly.

"I heard laughter, shuffling and a bunch of moaning! What do you think I thought you were doing?"

Will turned a bright red. "Oh my gods, no!"

"You were talking about the Cocoa Puffs being out and begging and calling Will attractive and a bunch of super questionable stuff!"

"We were talking about cookies," Nico protested. "The Cocoa Puffs like to steal our cookies and I was begging Will to give me the last of his cookie, which he did, and of course a guy giving me baked goods is attractive!"

Percy spluttered. "What about the whole 'oh will how did you do that' moaning thing?"

Nico glared at him. "Will made the cookies. They tasted amazing. I was asking him how he was such a good baker and I was appreciating how delicious the food was!"

"Well..." Percy faltered. "I mean, I'm glad. I was terrified in there."

"Why were you in there in the first place? Why weren't you off being normal?"

"I'm not normal!"

Will stood up and started guiding Percy to the door.

"Okay, it was great to see you, man, but bye."

"Wait." Percy froze on the porch. "Can I have a cookie?"

Will made a bunch of aborted noises and shut the door.

"Hey!" Percy heard Nico say before he left. "I found Internalised Homophobia in the closet!"

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