How Could Anyone Not Like You (Pt. III)

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The Solace-Di Angelos sang along to the radio as they drove to Texas. As per usual, Will was belting out in a voice deliberately nowhere near as good as his typical and Nico was singing quieter but in his shyly beautiful voice. In the backseat, Elena Solace-Di Angelo wasn't singing as confidently as she usual did.

Nico and Will had adopted Elena a five months ago. She was a six-year-old daughter of Iris whose father had passed on a few years ago and, when Will and Nico visited Camp, they clicked. The now parents had been looking for a demigod child for a while, knowing that many of them didn't have loving families and were labelled as 'problem children'. They couldn't be happier to adopt Elena and now they were on their way to introduce her to her daddy's family.

"Cosa c'è che non va, principessa?" Nico asked, noticing her unease. Will turned down the radio. Elena, who had picked up a little Italian by now, sighed.

"What if they don't like me? Meemaw and Granddaddy, I mean."

"Your meemaw loves everyone and your granddaddy will adore you, honey," Will assured her. "Your meemaw was all over your papà the second they met."

Nico nodded solemnly. "She gives great hugs."

"Besides," Will continued, "you're a darlin' lil girl. Very loveable. Don't you worry 'bout that."

Nico playfully nudged his husband. "Your southern accent is coming out again, tesoro. Just you wait, El. The bit you should be worrying about is what on earth everybody's saying."

Elena laughed along with her papà. Nico and Will exchanged Christmas stories the rest of the drive whilst Elena tried to keep her nerves under control.

They pulled up in the driveway and Elena hesitated before getting out of the car. She turned to her fathers, fear evident in her eyes. Nico glanced at Will, who smiled.

"Alright, Ellie?" he asked, casually picking her up with one arm. She clung to his side, arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist, as she buried her face in his neck. Will stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

"Scared," she mumbled, ashamed.

"I was terrified the first time I met your meemaw," Nico admitted, taking Will's hand, "but I shouldn't have been. She welcomed me into the family so quickly. She's like a mother to me. Donna meravigliosa."

"You can do this, sweetheart," Will said. "Ready?"

Elena nodded against the crook of his neck and the Solace-Di Angelos made their way up the driveway and knocked on the door.

It was opened by a cheerful woman with dark blonde hair tied in a bun that was coming undone and falling over her blue eyes. Her glasses were slipping off her nose as she embraced Nico and gave Will a one-armed hug.

"Oh, my darlin' boys. Words cannot express how happy I am to see you."

"Howdy, Ma." Will grinned and Nico mouthed a 'see' at Elena at the accent. Usually, the Texan twang was gentle but it was twice as strong now.

"And who is this angel?" Naomi turned to Elena, beaming. "You must be Elena, my new granddaughter. It is a pleasure to meet you, sugar. My goodness, you are so beautiful. Come in, come in. Your granddaddy's in the living room. Stella and Ayden aren't here yet but they will be soon."

With Elena still hanging on to Will, the three made their way to the living room where Will's stepdad, Bernie, was waiting. He hugged the men, clapping them on the back, and grinned toothily at Elena.

"Howdy there, stranger."

Elena nodded nervously in acknowledgement.

"She's a little anxious," Nico supplied. "Give her to me, amore. You hug your mother properly."

Elena hastily attached herself to Nico when she was transferred and he sat down on the couch, bouncing her up and down slightly and murmuring comfortingly to her under his breath.

Not long after, Stella and Ayden arrived. Will greeted his siblings and they smiled at Nico. Nico got on well with both of them. Stella was now twenty two and working as a vet whilst Ayden was eighteen and at his last year at high school. He was looking into becoming a publisher but, for now, was mainly focusing on passing his exams and having fun.

"Nico, good to see you," Stella said, "and is this my niece?"

Nico nodded. "Are you going to say hi, principessa?"

"Hi," Elena replied, snuggling closer into Nico but lifting her head a little to look her aunt in the eyes. Will flopped down beside his husband and daughter, kissing Nico's cheek and ruffling Elena's hair.

"They treatin' you right?" Ayden asked as he and Stella sank into the couch opposite. Bernie took a seat in his armchair whilst Naomi sat on the other side of Nico, smiling warmly at her granddaughter.

"Course," Elena answered. "Papà teaches me how to fight. Daddy does too but he likes making sure we don't get hurt."

"I won't go without teaching my child to win a fight," Nico announced proudly.

"Fights she won't be gettin' into," Will added. Nico shrugged.

"Best to be prepared and she's so good at it too, aren't you, El?"

"Mhm," Elena agreed, "and Daddy teaches me how to dance when Papà's cooking. He's not very good though."

Everyone burst put laughing and Will pretended to be hurt.

"I thought you liked my dancing."

"I do but Papà's way better."

"I like this kid," Ayden said. Will stuck his tongue out, making Elena giggle.

The rest of the day went well and, by the time it was time for Elena to go to bed, she'd talked with everybody and slotted just as well into the family as Nico had. She whined about being dragged away from playing with Naomi but followed her parents upstairs anyway.

Her fathers kissed her on the forehead as they tucked her in and were about to leave before she called out, "Do you think they like me?"

They both smiled and, before they shut the door, Nico said, "Of course. How could anyone not like you?"



I know this is a bit lazy but I wanted to get something done and I really wanted to do one with a Solace-Di Angelo kid.

Also, I just finished reading the Sun and the Star. It's amazing and has so many adorable and meaningful Solangelo moments! 100% recommend.

By the way, thanks for all the reads, loves!

Insomniac x

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