Misfit By High Dive Heart

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It was the 28th of January: Nico Di Angelo's birthday. In the Hades Cabin, Nico awoke cuddling under the covers with his boyfriend, Will, to hundreds of tiny kisses peppering his face. He yawned and snuggled closer with a contented sigh. Will's chest shook with deep laughter and he kissed Nico's head.

"Hey, sleepyhead," he grinned into Nico's hair, kissing it again. "Happy birthday, my darlin'."

Nico sniffed. It was nine thirty. He should probably get up. After all, his half-sister, Hazel, was coming to see him later and she would tell him off if he hadn't left bed by then, no matter how comfortable he was. The son of Hades pushed himself up on his elbows and yawned even wider. Will sat up too, pecking Nico's lips and swinging his legs off the bed. Nico rolled his eyes. He was not a morning person but Will definitely was.

He said nothing as Will threw him some clothes and didn't get out of bed when Will went to change in the bathroom. His eyes were still half-closed but he allowed himself a small smile. He had a feeling it was going to be a good birthday.


Hazel visited along with her boyfriend, Frank, and Nico's self-appointed sister, Reyna. Nico spent most of the day with them and Will in a more quiet way of celebrating, which he was more than okay with. He much preferred it that way. He did have a mini party of sorts with the rest of the Seven in the afternoon but Will made sure to usher everyone out after a couple of hours. He knew Nico couldn't cope with having all of them around for too long and they weren't exactly quiet people.

Nico had wanted to cuddle with Will whilst Hazel, Frank and Reyna went to catch up with the others instead of going to the campfire that evening but Will insisted they go with a beam on his face that instantly made Nico suspicious.

"What are you up to, Solace?" he frowned, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes in a had serious and half playful manner. Will shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"You'll have to wait and see."

A little nervously, Nico followed him to the campfire. He sat beside Will, resting his head on his shoulder as the others sang and talked. When it was over, Nico thought he'd gotten off free but he was sorely mistaken. He lifted his head as Will pulled out his guitar and walked over to Hazel, who was wearing a matching grin and was sat right by the fire.

"Hey guys!" Hazel called out, earning everyone's attention. "As some of you may know, it's my brother's birthday today..."

Oh no, Nico thought with a groan as his face started turning red.

"... So we thought we'd sing you something, Death Boy," Will finished with a wink. "Hope you like it and don't kill us later. We love you."

He strummed the first few chords and opened his mouth to sing. Nico awaited the sound of his deep, melodic voice. Will wasn't a half bad singer, although Nico hated to admit it. He was soulful but not in the blues sort of way more of a passionate sort of way. You could feel his emotions through his voice: joy, sadness, love.

"I see you crying, crying like you can't take no more
I know you're hiding, but I don't know what you're hiding for
You're like a diamond shiny underneath a billion rocks," Will began.
"One of a kind but that don't mean that you're all alone
Not even tryin' but damn I think it's beautiful."
Hazel beamed and joined in.
"Don't quit
Doin' what you're doin' cause you're different
I know people say that you're a misfit
But that's the thing I like about you.

"Don't listen
To all the crazy things that they spit in
You know better than to try to fit in
That's the thing I like about you.
(That's the thing I like about you.)

"Don't listen to the lie, lie
La la la la la la la la lie, lie
La la la la la la la la lie, lie
That's the thing I like about you."
Will sang the next verse alone.
"You're from the future, a futuristic fantasy
That style you're rocking is from another galaxy
Everybody's secretly wishing that they could be like you."
Hazel sang with him again, her eyes sparkling.
"You're like an alien, I picked you out of a crowd inside a stadium
Ain't nobody else walking to the beat you drum
Except for me, I'm following you!"

"Don't quit
Doin' what you're doin' cause you're different
I know people say that you're a misfit
But that's the thing I like about you

"Don't listen
To all the crazy things that they spit in
You know better than to try to fit in
That's the thing I like about you.
(That's the thing I like about you.)

"Don't listen to the lie, lie
La la la la la la la la lie, lie
La la la la la la la la lie, lie
That's the thing I like about you."

"Stones and sticks and bullets from lips, no
They ain't ever takin' us
Stones and sticks and bullets from lips, no
They ain't ever takin' us out."
Hazel took over.
"Don't quit
Doin' what you're doin' cause you're different
I know people say that you're a misfit
But that's the thing I like about you

"Don't listen
To all the crazy things that they spit in
You know better than to try to fit in
That's the thing I like about you.
(That's the thing I like about you.)"
Will's voice mixed with Hazel's and they carried into the air.
"Don't listen to the lie, lie
La la la la la la la la lie, lie
La la la la la la la la lie, lie
That's the thing I like about you.
(That's the thing I like about you.)

"Don't listen to the lie, lie
La la la la la la la la lie, lie
La la la la la la la la lie, lie
That's the thing I like about you
(That's the thing I like about you.)

"Don't listen to the lie, lie
La la la la la la la la lie, lie
La la la la la la la la lie, lie
That's the thing I like about you."

The song finished and an anxious but pleased Hazel and Will looked up as the rest of the camp cheered. Nico was staring at them with his hands over his mouth and tears prickling his eyes. He stood for a moment and the camp fell silent as they watched.
Then he broke into a run. He gathered both of them in his arms and held them tight. They hugged him back, meeting each others' eyes and smiling at a job well done. Nico pulled away and let out a breathless chuckle. He hugged Hazel separately and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you," he said, turning to engulf Will. "Thank you both so much."

He stood on his tiptoes and cupped Will's jaw, kissing him shortly but converging everything necessary. Smiling, he hugged them both again.

"You're dorks," he mumbled fondly. "I love you both too. More than anything."

Will ruffled his hair. "Our little misfit."

"Now, are you up for a game of Mythomagic?" Hazel asked. Nico nodded enthusiastically, taking Will's hand and dragging him after Hazel to the Hades Cabin. Will stopped before they went inside and brought their clasped hands to his lips.

"Hey," he said softly.

"Hey," Nico returned, his voice tender. They kissed briefly again and went inside. Nothing more needed to be said.

The three of them played Mythomagic well into the night and Nico obviously beat them both. When they finally went to bed, Nico curled into Will, burying his face in the taller boy's chest and relaxing at the feeling of warm, gentle arms around him.

"Good birthday?" Will murmured, not wanting to wake the sleeping Hazel, who was staying over.

"The best," Nico replied honestly. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Nico closed his eyes and, in the back of his head, he thought her heard Bianca's voice from the grave, thought he saw her smile and felt her embrace as she whispered in his ear, "Happy birthday, Neeks."



Got a bit lazy and wrote a song fic. Still working on the request.

Insomniac (Ash) x

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