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It was strange and quite frankly alarming how quickly and often Nico's sword training practice ended up as a trip to the Infirmary and a visit to Doctor Solace. The seeing the doctor wasn't the bad part, quite the contrary, but Nico would have preferred faking a cough or volunteering to help than having yet another large gash in his arm as a way of doing so.

Will's tanned skin was pale. He had dark bags under his unusually dull eyes and his movements were slower, more stiff and ever so slightly shaky. That wasn't great for a doctor. Will gave a weary sigh when he saw Nico lying on the bed with a freshly bandaged arm and a half-smile.

"Hey, Neeks," he acknowledged, unable go hide the exhaustion in his voice. Nico frowned.

"Solace, you look terrible."

Will approached, pulling objects out of his medical bag. He handed Nico a square of ambrosia, watching him carefully to make sure he ate it all.

"Thanks," he said. In his current state, Nico couldn't tell if Will was being sarcastic or not. A man after his own heart, he thought, and one who he knew was fond of honesty so it could have gone either way. Besides, Nico had learned the hard way to be transparent with his doctor. Will could tell when he was lying and didn't appreciate it. Nico suspected he would thank him later if he was dragged to bed to sort out the walking dead look he had going on.

"I'm serious, Will. You need to sleep," Nico pressed. He got Will's attention with the use of his first name. Unfortunately, Will rolled his eyes.

"I'm the doctor here, sunshine," he reminded him. Nico folded his arms, wincing at the acute pain but trying his best not to show it. He was accustomed to the feeling regardless.

"You're not actually a doctor, y'know," he pointed out. Will held up a stethoscope and Nico, who knew the drill by now, raised his shirt. He had to try hard to keep his heartbeat down with the boy close enough that hot breath fanned over Nico's face. Nico had long since accepted that he had a crush on Will.

"Good as," Will spoke with a tone of finality that Nico didn't approve of. Will was incredible at taking care of other people but too often forgot to take care of himself or didn't care to.

"Rest, Doc," Nico demanded. Will sighed, taking away the stethoscope. He rubbed the back of his neck and Nico could see the struggle to keep his eyes open.

Will shook his head. "I can't."

"Can't or won't?"

"Not now, angel, please."

Nico's heart fluttered at the nickname but he didn't let that deter him. He was every bit as stubborn as Will was and, more importantly, he cared about the son of Apollo and wasn't about to sit back and watch him work himself to death.

"You're dead on your feet, Will."

"I'm fine," Will lied. Nico wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the statement. With all his blindness, even Percy could have seen that Will was most definitely not fine. Saying he was fine was Nico's lie and he could easily spot it on another person.

"You're clearly not."

"Drop it."


"I have to be here so I can take care of people who seem to injure themselves every five seconds like you. Have you ever considered taking care of yourself so I can take a break?"

Nico froze. Guilt seeped into his mind. He hated being a bother, causing a fuss. He knew he was careless and he was injured more than he'd like to admit but he immediately felt selfish for not pondering what it did to Will, who then had to deal with the aftermath. It was his fault Will was so busy. It had to be.
Will appeared to realise what Nico was thinking and backtracked.

"I'm sorry. I'm tired. You're only looking out for me and I appreciate that. I do. That's not what I should have said."

"But it's what you meant. It's what's true," Nico fired back. He refused to recognise the dampness in his eyes and the stinging in his chest. He was closing up again, he could feel it, and doing what he did best: lash out and push away.

"No, it isn't."

"I know I'm trouble. Just admit it! You don't want me around. No one does."

"Don't make this about you, Neeks."

"I can't help it. I'm self absorbed, aren't I? I'm an awful person and it's one of the many reasons why you and everyone else hates me so please just tell me that you hate me."

Will's brow furrowed with concern. "Why would you want me to tell you that?"

"Because you should," Nico returned, hating how self-obsessed he thought he was, hating how quickly the argument turned from Will to himself but he couldn't stop the torrent of emotions. "Because it's only a matter of time before you do and because then you don't have to deal with my thousands of mishaps and you can not worry about me and get better. I'm obviously what makes you worse. I make everything worse. I hurt everyone I care about."

"That's not true."

"What's it going to take, huh? I-I killed a man, I sent souls to perish, I stood by as Octavian died, I tricked Percy and nearly led him to his death, I let Percy and Annabeth fall into Tar... that place, I get on your nerves, I make your life difficult. What more do you want?"

Nico was sure Will would hate him after what he'd said. His voice was beginning to waver and his body had stiffened, ready for the look of disgust. None came. Will's eyes were full of sympathy and compassion. A hand rested over Nico's but Nico jerked his away.

"I didn't tell Percy I knew who he was, I tried to kill him, I'm horrible to Persephone to the point where she turns me into plants, I lied and let everyone believe that I was jealous because of Annabeth." Nico took a deep breath and delivered the final blow. "I had a crush on Percy. I'm gay." He had one final card. "I have a crush on you."

There was a low gasp but Nico was too much of a coward to have been looking at Will for the last half. His heart sank at knowing that that was the thing that convinced Will to hate him but he sucked it up. Will was far better off without him.

"There. Hate me now?" He chuckled bitterly. He turned his head and met blue eyes burning with intensity. Nico gulped, preparing himself for a slap or a punch or a repulsed comment. Instead he felt gentle hands cupping his cheeks and a face drawing closer to his, eyes half-lidded.

"I don't hate you." It was Will's voice but Nico wasn't paying much attention. "Quite the opposite. Can I kiss you?"

Nick barely registered himself nodding before soft lips met his. He sank into the kiss, giving into strong arms around his waist and back and pulling a body towards his. Will was practically on top of him, kissing him passionately and carefully. He was breaking Nico into a million parts and putting him back together. It was bliss. A tongue asked for entrance and Nico obliged. He parted his lips to let it explore his mouth, happy to give up all control. He nibbled experimentally at Will's lower lip and revelled in the quiet, low moan that was emitted. He was drowning in a kiss, unsure of anything but the body holding his. All he could be certain of was Will and it was all he needed to be certain of.

They broke apart, Will still hovering over Nico. Both were out of breath. Neither spoke as Will curled up into bed beside Nico, pulling the covers over them both and embracing the shorter. None of the Apollo kids disturbed them and Will rapidly gave in and got some sleep.



1.01k reads!!!! Thanks so much, loves. Hope you liked this one.

Insomniac x

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