How Could Anyone Not Like You (Pt. II)

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Will held Nico's hand, stroking his knuckles with his thumb. They stood in six inches of snow outside the Solaces' house. Nico was shivering, although how much was from the cold and how much was from the nerves Will couldn't tell. With it being the annual Solace Family Christmas Party as well as the first time Nico was meeting any of Will's family other than his mother, Naomi, Nico had insisted that they both dress up even nicer than Will's mother usually forced him to. Nico had even tried to tame his hair but Will had hated it looking so unnatural so he'd ruffled his boyfriend's hair to make it flop back into place. He'd been chased by skeletons for that. He thought it was worth it.

"Hey, talk to me." Will nudged Nico's shoulder, using the phrase Naomi used with him so often when he was obviously anxious. He squeezed Nico's hand and the trembling boy squeezed back, looking up at Will with wide, deep brown eyes.

"I don't know. It's just... It's a big thing. I don't know how big it is nowadays but it was always seen as a huge deal when Bianca and I were younger."

"Prob'ly because y'all had to propose the same night," Will joked. Nico swatted his arm.

"I'm not that old but something like that, yeah."

Will gathered Nico in a hug, only holding him tighter when he felt arms around his waist and an ear resting over his heartbeat. He kissed Nico's head. He wished he could tell him how incredible he was and be believed for once, how there was nothing to worry about because whatever happened didn't matter. They had their friends and each other. That was all they needed right now.

"Ready?" Will drew back, holding Nico's gaze. The latter bit his lip and nodded, pushing himself up a little on his toes to lightly kiss Will's lips as if he were worried that Will wouldn't want to kiss him. Will bent down and kissed his boyfriend more firmly, cupping his face and trying to tell him 'I love you and I'm proud of you'.

He supposed he meant every meaning of 'I'm proud of you'. Looking at Nico's flushed face, his heat swelled with pride. Pride that Nico was doing this. Pride that Nico was here at all. Pride that Nico was his. No, that wasn't right. Nico Di Angelo wasn't anyone's. He was proud that Nico had chosen him, chosen to trust and love him. He would forever be proud of that.

Still holding Nico's hand, Will knocked. Naomi was the one who opened it and her face lit up when she saw the boys.

"Oh good! Y'all are the last ones here so please make yourselves comfortable. Y'all can wait here and come into the livin' room when y'all are ready." She beamed. Will felt an overwhelming surge of fondness for his mother. She'd always been so accepting and accommodating of Nico's anxiety, probably because Will himself struggled with it although to a lesser extent.

"Thank you, Mrs. Solace," Nico said, his voice laced with gratitude and sincerity.

"Never gonna use my first name, huh?" she asked, hands on hips and a smile on her face. Nico allowed himself a small smile of his own.

"No, Mrs. Solace." He chuckled. Will inched closer to him and Nico automatically melted into his side hugging Will's arm and resting his head against his body.

When Naomi left to rejoin the family, Nico whispered barely loud enough for Will to hear, "I love you, tesoro."

"I love you too, darlin'."

"And I love your mother."

Will laughed and buried his face in Nico's hair. "Me too. You good?"

Nico thought for a moment. "No but I will be once we get over the introductions. Those are the worst bits."

Will agreed and started leading them to the living room. His family sat and stood in various parts of the room, chatting away cheerfully. The room's eyes turned to the demigods when they walked in and Will stepped subtly in front of Nico to reassure him. Will's stepfather, Bernie was the first to speak. He strode over and clapped Will on the shoulder with a toothy grin.

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