Whatever You Do, DON'T DIE

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"Good morning!" Will sang as he knocked on Nico's door. Nico groaned loudly and pointedly. He pulled a hoodie on and opened the door, walking past Will without a second glance.

"Wow." Will walked a little quicker to keep up with Nico's brisk pace. "Someone had a rough night. You need to talk about it? Mr. D is around somewhere."

"Nope," Nico said. He slowed down just a little and Will strode alongside him with a grateful grin.

"You playing capture the flag later?" Will asked. He walked with a bounce in his step like a puppy and his eyes flicked around, analysing everything he saw in the same way he did when assessing an injury.

"Maybe." Nico tugged at his hoodie's drawstrings. "Are you?"

"Yeah," Will said, waving to one of the many people he was friendly with as they walked past the training arena. "You wanna be on my team?"

"Do I have to be?"


"Okay then."

Nico glanced at Will with a small smile and a soft smile in response.

Capture the flag started an hour later. Kids grabbed their shields, swords and spears and geared up.

"You ready?" Nico asked, jabbing Will's side. Will scrunched up his nose.

"Your strap is loose," he said, reaching up to Nico's shoulder to adjust it.

"I'll take that as a yes," Nico said. Will stepped away and picked up his med kit.

"Don't do anything stupid."

"Right back at you."

"Alright, lovebirds." Kayla patted them both on the back. "Let's go."

Nico nodded sharply and disappeared into the trees. He adjusted his grip on his sword, shifting his weight.

He heard a snap behind him and whirled around. There wasn't any signs of movement so he slowly stepped forward.

Quick as a blur, there was a sword at his throat.

"Hey, Percy." Nico rolled his eyes, ducking under the sword.

"Hey, Nico." Percy grinned. "How does it feel to be losing?"

Nico lunged forward, knocking the sword out of Percy's grasp and booping Percy's nose with the tip.

"I don't know. How does it?"

Percy darted down and reached for his sword, ducking under Nico's arms and delivering a parry. Nico went to block it but his grip slipped and his sword dropped. The sword pierced through his skin, diving into his flesh.

Nico choked, watching Percy's expression morph into horror. He could taste metallic blood in his mouth.

"Oh my gods, Nico!" Percy caught him before he fell.


It sounded like Will's voice but black spots were swirling in Nico's voice and he couldn't see. He turned his head towards the sun and exhaled for the last time.



Nico's bedroom door was flung open. Nico sat up, clutching the knife he kept on his bedside table. He looked up to see Will, looking as pale as a ghost.

"You good?" Nico asked. Will hesitated, inhaling sharply.

"Um, yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Sorry, I had a nightmare. Did you sleep well?"

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