Ciao to the Love Interest Pt. 2

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After a whole week of texting, Will finally had the guts to ask Nico to spend time with him on the weekend and thankfully he said yes. Of course, he immediately got a message from Percy congratulating on his 'rizz game'.

Will showed up at Percy's door and hesitated before knocking. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that it was Percy who opened it but he grinned anyway.

"Hey, man! Nico’s really excited."

"Good." Will’s ears turned pink. "I am too."

Percy patted his shoulder and looked straight into his eyes.

"If he isn't back before it gets dark, I'll kill you."

Will gulped. Thankfully, he was saved by Nico racing down the stairs.

"Hello, Will." He smiled and Will couldn't help but smile back. Nico was even more beautiful than he remembered him.

"Have a good time and keep it PG," Percy warned before shoving Nico on the doorstep and slamming the door behind them.

"PG?" Nico repeated, furrowing his brow.

"I don't know what it means either," Will lied. "Come on. I have something to show you."

Nico hooked their arms together and Will felt like he was glowing. They waked along the streets and turned off at an obscure pathway. Will had been this way a million times but he'd never taken someone else with him.

When he was younger and everything got too much, he would escape into the woods and climb up a tree. He did it with his dad, who built him his own tree house before he left Will, Kayla and Naomi. After his dad left, Will spent hours upon hours in the tree house thinking maybe he would someday find his dad up there waiting for him. He never came and eventually it just became a place to hide away from the world.

"There is house in tree!" Nico exclaimed. Will grinned. He guess it did look kind of impressive from down here.

"It's mine," he said. "Want to see?"


He helped Nico step on the right branches to get up and followed after. Nico’s eyes were wide at the sight. He dropped down on a beanbag and started flicking through a pile of books left on the ground. Will sat on the beanbag opposite him.

"You come here a lot?" Nico asked.

"Yeah, it's kind of a safe place. Away from the world. My dad built this with his bare hands. He left us. I guess he was never a family man. Still, it's nice to have a piece of him."

Nico rested a hand on Will’s.

"I am happy you trust me to take me here."

Will took Nico’s hand in his and squeezed it.

"Your dad is stupid man," Nico said bluntly. Will snorted.

"Yeah, I guess he is."

Nico took a deep breath. "I come here because my family is dead. Sally, she says she will look after me. Family is so important. My sister and mother are dead. I would give anything to see them again."

"That’s awful."

Nico shrugged. "We both have people not here. But we are here."

"Yeah." Will held Nico’s hand tighter. "Yeah, we are."

Their eyes met and Nico smiled.

"Enough sad! I bring something we can play."

He pulled out a stack of cards.

"Percy teach me," he explained with a glint in his eyes. "I am better than Percy."

Will raised an eyebrow. "Bring it on."


Will walked Nico home, anxious incase Percy did actually mean what he said. They'd played the card game for god knows how long and the sun was setting already.

Nico must of noticed him worrying because he said, "We need to get home before night? I can run faster."

"Oh no you can't."

Nico took off, laughing his head off. As it turned out, he was far faster than Will despite having legs half his size. Will ended up breathless at Percy's door with Nico waiting for him and boasting of his victory.

"You won by the smallest amount."

"I win by long way!" Nico protested. It took a second for Will to realise how close they were and it seemed that Nico had to.

"I win. I get prize."

"Oh really? What prize is that?"

Nico pushed himself up on his tiptoes and their lips met. They were both smiling as they kissed but somehow they managed to make it work with Will's arms pulling Nico closer and Nico's pulling Will’s head down. The world could have ended and neither of them would have noticed.

"What the hell, guys?"

They sprung apart in shock to see Percy standing on the street staring at them with a bag of groceries in his arms.

"I said PG!" He dumped the groceries in Nico’s care and unlocked the door. "Honestly. Right in front of my salad."

Will was mortified but Nico was stifling laughter behind his hand.

"You better watch yourself, young man." Percy wagged the keys in Will’s face. He eyed them both. "You have two minutes."

He stalked off.

When he was out of earshot, Nico burst out laughing.

"He pretend. I see him do things with Annabeth." Nico shuddered. "Too many things."

Will didn't think he would ever look at Annabeth and Percy in the same way after that but he decided to ignore it.

"I had a really great time with you," he said. Nico’s face split into a grin.

"I have good time with you too. Maybe we do again?"

"Yeah, I'd like that."

Nico kissed his cheek.

"Send me message. I will be waiting. Ciao, Will."




Hey, loves! Sorry the last few have been so bad. I've not been well all week but I will get some better ones out when I recover. I am open to requests but I might take a while to get round to some or I might not see some. Thank you so much for reading!

Ash x

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