There Would Always Be Him

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Will and Nico lay in Nico's bed half propped up against the wall. Will's head was on the smaller boy's chest as he sobbed and Nico rubbed circles and drew patterns on his back, bending down every so often to kiss Will's curls. Neither was sure how long they'd been there. It seemed like forever but no time at all. It must have been a while because Will was running out of tears. Nico kept whispering to him, uttering sweet nothings and comforting him.

"It wasn't your fault, tesoro. It was her time. I'm so sorry. You did everything you could. I love you. It'll be okay. I love you."

Will clung tighter to his boyfriend, arms wrapped around his torso and tears soaking his shirt. He mumbled apologies under his breath. Nico always caught them and scolded him.

"Don't you dare say sorry. Don't you dare. You do this for me all the time. You're not doing anything wrong, okay?"

He'd gently raise Will's head with three light fingers under his chin and lock their eyes together.


He wouldn't drop it until Will said, "Okay."

It wasn't okay. Will knew that and Nico knew that too. Losing a patient was never okay. It stung every time. It didn't matter who it was. Every death was personal and felt like a dagger going through Will's heart because they trusted him with their lives and he couldn't do anything. That was why he needed Nico. It wasn't just for the comfort of the one he loved but also for the comfort of the son of the King of the Underworld. If anyone understood death, understood the natural process, accepted to laws of a seemingly unfair world, it was Nico Di Angelo. He'd lost people too. He'd walked amongst the souls of the dead. Nico always asked if Will really wanted to be around someone with such a thick aura of death after losing someone and Will always said that he really did and it was true. It made him feel better. It reminded him that death wasn't a bad thing. It was just sad. But that's okay.

"Tell me about her," Nico said. Will sniffed, burying his face further into Nico's chest and starting to talk.

"Her name was Olivia..."

He talked about anything and everything he knew about Olivia, which admittedly wasn't much but he kept finding things. When he finished, he was sobbing harder than before.

"She was so young," Will whimpered.

"I know, amore mio. She's at peace now. She lived a wonderful life and she'll never be hurt again. She's safe now. She's completed the cycle. Maybe she'll chose to be reborn and go and live all over again. She knows you tried your hardest. She's grateful, so grateful, mio caro. Okay?"


They stayed there all night and, when Will woke up with tear stained cheeks, it was Nico who was there holding him and making sure he was safe.

It would always be Nico.

There would always be him.

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