Tickle Fights are a Type Of Seduction

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Nico paced in his room, trying to get his fidgeting under control. He hadn't seen Will all day. He'd actually seen barely anything of his boyfriend all week. The camp played Capture the Flag a few days ago and the infirmary had been bustling since. Will had only agreed to come have a date night with Nico because Kayla and Austin had practically shoved him out of the infirmary.

It wasn't much of a date night. They were just going to cuddle and talk and doze off. Will slept over at the Hades cabin decently often. Usually, if Nico was having a nightmare, Will came to comfort him and never left.

A soft knock on the door and Nico jumped onto his bed and tried to make it look like he hadn't been waiting for that sound for the past hour.

"Come in." He tried for casual but it came out sort of squeaky. The door clicked open.

"Hey, doll." Will grinned, shutting the door and leaning on it for a minute, just taking in the sight of his boyfriend, before moving to join him on the bed.

They sat resting against the headboard and Will’s shoulder was an automatic resting point for Nico's head. Their hands slotted together, resting on Will’s thigh as his thumb drew lazy circles on Nico’s knuckles. It was such a natural thing that they didn't have to pause for a second. They fitted together perfectly.

"I told you to stop calling me that," Nico grumbled half heartedly.

"You're dating a southerner, sweetheart. I will call you every pet name under the sun."

Nico frowned but gave a quick kiss the exposed skin on Will’s shoulder anyway.

"How was work?"

"Good. No one died." Will sounded like he was joking but Nico knew he wasn't. Then Will let out a huff of laughter.

"What?" Nico raised his head, looking up indignantly.

"Nothing. It's just such an incredibly domestic question. 'How was work?'"

Nico scowled. "If you'd rather I didn't ask it-"

"That's not what I said!" Will was swift to interrupt. "I love it. Imagine us ten years down the line. 'How was work, babe?' 'It was great, my love, thanks for asking'."

"One flaw in that." Nico paused to kiss Will’s jaw. "I would never call you 'babe'."

Will pouted, shifting so he had a better view of Nico’s face.



"But babe." Will drew out the last word obnoxiously long, practically sprawling across Nico and ending up with one arm on Nico’s shoulder, the other tracing patterns on his chest and his head resting in his boyfriend’s lap.

"No!" Nico refused to look into those pleading blue eyes. A hand softly cupped his jaw to force him to look down.

"Come on now, baby."

Will’s voice was so impossibly soft and his face so utterly beautiful that Nico found himself at a loss for words. He flushed a dark red, lifting a hand to trace the outline of Will’s face. His nose, his ears, his jaw.

"I love you so much," he found himself saying quietly, "that sometimes I think I'm dreaming."

Will's hand moved from his chest to tuck his hair behind his ear.

"That's a little cliché, honey," he whispered.

Nico batted his hand away. "I was being sweet, William. Fuck off!"

"I'm sorry!" Will dissolved into laughter as Nico tried to shove him off. "Forgive me! C'mon, Nico!"

Will sat up, bringing their faces close together and biting his lip as he tried and failed to conceal his laughter. He pressed his mouth to Nico’s but he was laughing too hard for it to be a proper kiss and Nico refused to respond anyway.

"You insulted my dignity. Don't try seduce your way out of this."

"Is it working?" Will waggled his eyebrows in such a ridiculous way that Nico snorted.

"It is not."

"I think it is."

"It's not!"

"I think you're falling under my spell. A single kiss and your fate will be sealed!"

Will tried to kiss his boyfriend again but Nico turned his head, ignoring the kisses that were instead peppered along his jaw and down his neck.

"I'm not sealing any fate."

"You can't resist me. I know your weakness."

And with that Will started tickling him. Nico made an undignified squawk in process and was soon reduced to feebly hitting his boyfriend through his laughter.


"Not until I get that kiss."

"Fine! Fine."

Will's hands stopped, leaving them resting on the bare skin of his torso where his shirt had ridden up as his tried to escape. Both giggling, their lips met in the middle. Will’s hands slid further around Nico’s torso as Nico’s gently stroked the back of his neck. They pulled apart with matching dopey grins.

"Thank you, baby."

"I will murder you," Nico threatened from where he sat kiss drunk with pink cheeks, wide eyes, completely encased in Will’s arms and still clinging onto him.

"I know, angel. I know."

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