Nico's a Liar (who needs a hug)

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TW: Misdirected feelings which cause a fight (they're fine don't worry)

Nico's throat was hoarse, tears running down his cheeks.

"Just fuck off and leave me alone!" he snapped. Will shook his head, choking on his breath.

"You don't mean that."

"I mean it!" Nico yelled. "I don't need you. I don't fucking need anyone."

Will just kept shaking his head, arms tightening around himself. Nick was shaking from head to toe, swaying slightly on his feet. His mind was a confusing, dizzying whirl. He didn't know what they were even fighting about. He was so exhausted and frustrated and angry and frightened. His heart was pounding and every hair on his body stood on end. It was like a weighted blanket had been draped over him. His emotions were so crushing that he felt physically weighed down.

"Get out!" There were words leaving his mouth and he didn't know what they were. They were nothing more than feelings spilling out in a haze. "Get out, now!"

"Stop it, Nico!" Will's voice was loud and shaky. It felt so distant.

"You don't need to be here!" Nico felt sick. "I don't need you here. I'm better off on my own so fuck off!"

"Stop it!" Will shouted. "Stop, Nico. Please."

Somewhere along the line, Nico’s yells turned into violent sobs. He leaned heavily against the wall, legs suddenly too weak to hold him as he slid to the floor. All he could feel was an intense pain in his stomach and in his throat. His head was throbbing, nose running, vision blurred. He was tired. He was so tired. Everything hurt and he was so numb.

"I didn't mean it," he croaked after a good few minutes of silence had passed. He sniffed, wiping his face with his sleeve. His voice cracked as he spoke, "Don't leave."

Will was still crying, moving cautiously to sit down beside Nico. They didn't touch. The space between them was vast and suffocating. Will didn't say anything so Nico raised his head.

His breath hitched. His beautiful, beautiful boyfriend was sat there with his face puffy and his lips trembling and his hands clutching with a death grip on his hoodie.

"Will." Nico bit his lip to hold back a sob. A few more tears slid down Will’s face. He took a quivering breath, turning to face Nico with the gorgeous, wide eyes Nico fell in love with.

"Hey," Will murmured.

"I'm sorry I'm so fucked up," Nico whispered, not trusting himself to speak any louder. Will snorted with a smile.

"The best of us are."

Nico smiled too, warily shuffling closer. Will lifted up an arm as an invitation for Nico to dive into the comfort of his boyfriend’s chest, warm and steadily rising and falling. He breathed in the comforting smell as he slowed his breathing to match Will’s.

"I'm a liar." Nico laughed. "I don't want you to leave me at all."

Will chuckled. "Yeah, I thought so."

They both burst into laughter, half-crying and trembling but in each other's arms and safe. Whatever messed up things happened and whatever feelings they took out on each other, at the end of the day they were trying. They were each other's safe place.


Hey, loves. As with any fucked up thing I write, little bit of a self insert. Trauma can make you say and do weird things because you can't cope and laughing about it is kind of cathartic. This is not a healthy way to express emotions but it's healthier than not expressing them because then this happens anyway! Only without the making up bit.

Anyways, stay safe. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting. Y'all are amazing.

Ash x

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