Mythomagic Round Two

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Kiss, stick it in, pull out before you make a baby.

Those are Bianca's three rules for sex. I don't know if where she gets the rules from. She's never had sex. She's aromantic and asexual. Also I can't make a baby with Will. She says he'd like to make a baby with me. I don't know what that means.

Bianca's been grinning. She says that Will likes me. He like likes me. The emphasis on the first 'like' means he wants to make a baby with me. I think.

You usually have sex with people you like. Actually, you're supposed to according to Google but I know a lot of people don't. I'm fifteen anyway. If Will wants a child he'll have to wait a few years. Or forever. I don't like children.

Most people have children with people they live with. Most people live with people they love. I want Will to love me. He makes me feel like throwing up. But in a good way. But also it's alarming. It's confusing.

Bianca is very loud. Will texted her asking if he can walk to school with us. She says that means he definitely wants to impregnate me. I asked her if I'd have to disappoint him by telling him I don't have female reproductive parts. She laughed. She's not very helpful this morning.

Will meets us at the door. I already have my shoes on. Being efficient is one of my skills. It isn't one of Bianca's. I open the door and he smiles. He has very white teeth and dimples. He asks before he kisses me on the cheek again. I want to be polite so I kiss him on the cheek too. Will grins. Bianca pokes me and does something odd with her eyebrows. Probably more baby blargon.

We walk down the street together. It's cold. I didn't bring a coat. I don't like my coat's texture. It feels bad on my skin. Father won't change it. I usually wear Bianca's but she didn't bring hers today. It's out of character. I'll remind her to bring it tomorrow.

Will notices me shivering.

"Want to borrow my hoodie?" he asks.

"But it's your hoodie," I say. I would hate for someone to wear my hoodie. I wouldn't let Bianca wear my hoodie.

"I don't need it but you look cold. Take it."

This must be another friend thing. Or a sex thing. I take the hoodie.

"It's very big on me," I say. It's very yellow with a smiley face on it. The sleeves hide my hands. I like it. Will chuckles.

"It suits you."

"It smells like you. What laundry detergent do you use?"

Will's face is slightly red.

"Um... I'm not sure."

I take out my phone and take his from him. I type in my phone number and hand it back to him.

"Now you can text me the brand when you get home."

Bianca gives me a thumbs up. Maybe she wanted to ask about it too. I wanted to give Will my phone number. It means he can text me at any time now. Most likely he'll be texting me with Bianca reading too. She's better at texting than I am.

"We should have a rematch of mythomagic," I announce.

"You know that you'll win again," Will says.

"I know," I say.

Will smiles. "Okay. I'd love to. You free this evening?"


"I'm not," Bianca says. "Sorry, Nico, I completely forgot to tell you. I'm meeting up with some friends this evening."

I frown. "You didn't put that in the calendar. You're supposed to put it in the calendar."

"I know but you'll have Will so is it okay if you let me off just this once? I promise I won't forget the calendar again."

I nod. I'm not happy with her forgetting the calendar but I can teach Will mythomagic better without her in the house. She interrupts a lot.

Bianca leaves immediately after school with her friends. Will and I walk home together. I'm still wearing his hoodie. Half way there he asks to hold my hand. I say yes. He swings our arms between us with a big smile on his face. He holds my hand firmly. His hands are warm.

We stop holding hands when we arrive at my house. It's empty. Father is away on another business trip. Persephone is visiting her parents this week. The house is normally empty. Our neighbour comes to see if Bianca and I are okay. I don't like her. She smells like dust.

Will and I go upstairs. We sit on my bed and I get out my mythomagic cards. I have to tell him the rules again. We play for a while and eat some fruit. He's not good. I beat him.

"How are you so good at this?" he asks.

"Take it," I tell him. I hand him my pack of cards. He stares at me.


"Take it," I repeat. "I have another pack. You need to practice."

I know I like Will because I have never let anyone go anywhere with my cards. I hate people taking my things. I hate people touching my things. I want to show him that I like him. I spend a lot of time thinking about what to give to people I like. I'm not good with words or feelings but I give good gifts. Will’s looking at me like I gave him superpowers.

"Are you sure?"


"Thank you," he says. He's smiling very wide. He likes it. I feel happy and nauseous again.

"You're welcome."

He moves closer to me. He puts the cards on my bedside table.

"Can I kiss you?"

I've never kissed anyone before except my hand because Bianca told me kissing feels like kissing your hand. That just felt sweaty. She kissed her hand too. She didn't like it either.

I look at Will’s lips. They look soft. I look at his eyes. They're aquamarine. That's my favourite colour.


I think he's kissed before. He seems to know what to do. His eyes are closed so I close mine. He tastes like strawberries. One of his hands goes to my waist. I lift a hand to his face. He has the beginnings of stubble. His hair feels even softer than his lips.

He moves backwards until we're both lying down just kissing. His tongue traces my mouth and I open it. It feels weird. I like it. He's holding me close and he's very, very good at kissing. I worry I might do it wrong but he doesn't care. I feel safe with him.

I'm breathing harder when we pause. His hair is messy and his lips are bigger. He keeps his eyes closed. He looks like an angel. But not the biblically accurate one. That would be fascinating but have a lot more eyes.

"Are we going to have sex?" I ask. I think it's an important thing to ask. Will’s eyes open.

"Oh, um, do you want to?"

"I ask because we have to stay safe and I don’t have anything for that so if you wanted to we'd have to shop first and that would probably make it odd to start again."

"Probably," Will agrees. He kisses me again but only for a few seconds. "Why don't we just kiss today?"


I like that. We keep kissing. We keep kissing for a very long time. We only stop when Bianca opens the door downstairs and yells, "Tell me if you're baby-making because I don't want to hear that!"

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