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In Nico's opinion, he was the last person who should be showing a new camper around. He was dressed in his typical ripped jeans, skull t-shirt and aviator jacket, which when paired with his long, dark hair and resting frowning face, weren't exactly welcoming. Nico was snappy, harsh most certainly not a people person and would much rather be at the training arena, where he had been heading when Austin Lake pulled him aside and asked him to take over the tour for a short, ginger thirteen-year-old called Marlow, who had arrived that morning, whilst he went to help out at the infirmary. If this was anyone else, Nico would have refused but it was his boyfriend's brother and Nico was fully aware of how busy the infirmary had been. Will had looked dead on his feet for a week so any extra help might be enough to get him the break he so desperately needed.

He lead Marlow up the infirmary steps, droning on about the important of healthcare and looking after yourself. It was the same spiel he listened from Will ten times a day, even when things were so hectic that they were lucky to catch each other at a time when both could talk. Once a doctor, always a doctor, Nico thought dryly. Although he isn't actually one in the first place. Of course, Nico didn't mind. At the heart of his annoyed facade, which Will saw right through, was genuine happiness that someone cared enough to lecture him and the admittance that his boyfriend was entirely correct in doing so - not that he would ever tell Will that and not that he had to.

Nico pushed open the door and stood to the side to give Marlow a view. Obviously, it was completely unnecessary to show her the inside (she would probably see it soon enough) but Nico's chatter had become miraculously even less enthusiastic and he was distracted in searching the hustle of patients and healers for the mop of blond hair he hadn't yet seen that day. Will had slept over at Nico's the night before after an innocent night of playing Myth-o-magic - and maybe some making out - and they'd fallen asleep cuddling but Will had had to leave before Nico had awoken. He left a note but, as pleasant as it was to see the familiar handwriting and chuckle at the familiar jokes, it wasn't the same as the real thing.

"Neeks!" a rich voice sounded. Nico spotted Will making his way over and quickly leaned against the wall, quirking an eyebrow and trying to appear unbothered. He was a decent actor but Will knew him too well. The joy in his eyes gave him away, Will would say. Will was insistent that Nico's eyes were the give away every time. Some things couldn't be masked nor faked.

"Solace," Nico returned, clearing his throat. Will pecked his lips and smiled. Nico could see the weariness in his expression and pulled a granola bar out of his pocket, pushing it into Will's hands and telling him to eat. He couldn't remember the last time Will had and, knowing the boy, he was likely to be far too occupied with other people to take care of himself, which was entirely hypocritical given his job and what he often told his boyfriend.

"I thought I was the doctor," Will replied but he took a bite and Nico saw the gratitude in his eyes. He was slightly smug at that. He could read Will just as well as Will could read him.

"You do know you aren't a doctor. Don't get a swollen head. I was showing Marlow around." Nico folded his arms. Marlow waved awkwardly. Will showed her his trademark grin. On Nico's part, he much preferred Will's soft smiles, the sheepish ones and the happy ones. He loved the ones after kisses and the ones when they fell asleep. Those were the smiles reserved for him. However, Marlow was more than satisfied with the blinding beam. She didn't know Will enough to realise how standard and practiced it was.

"Will Solace," Will introduced himself, holding out a hand. "Head of the infirmary and head of the Apollo Cabin."

Marlow grasped his hand and shook it. "Marlow 'Marley' Oakson. I don't know who my godly parent is."

Will smiled kindly. "That's alright. You'll be claimed soon and then you won't have to put up with this idiot."

Nico huffed and stuck his tongue out. It was childish but he was a child - sort of. He tried to scowl at Will but there was the faintest of twitches at the corner of his lips that only Will could have picked up on. He showed he had by winking at Nico.

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