You Make My Heart Have Premature Ventricular Contractions

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It was only two days in and Nico was already starting to regret visiting the others in Rome. It wasn’t that he didn’t like seeing them. Him, the seven and Reyna had been spending the past 48 hours together and honestly it was kind of nice but he missed Will.

Will and Nico had been dating for two months and they hadn’t told anyone yet. That meant Will couldn’t come on the trip to Rome and Nico was missing out on cuddle time. He had been planning to come clean about his boyfriend (if he could say that seen as they hadn’t had that conversation yet) and come out to Leo, Frank and Reyna at the same time as they still didn’t know. However, he still hadn’t found the right moment.

“What’s got you so distracted?” Hazel asked. Nico put his phone down. He was sitting in Hazel’s cabin with the whole gang and had been anxiously checking his phone for a text from Will every five seconds.

“When I made monster proof phones, I never thought Nico would become a tech addict!” Leo commented. Nico scowled.

“I’m not.”

Leo shrugged and went back to the group conversation. Nico picked up his phone again.

Significant Annoyance

Are you a cardiac arrest? Because you’re making my heart stop

Nico rolled his eyes but couldn’t deny the faint blush on his cheeks.

Ghost King

That’s terrible.

Significant Annoyance

Are you Broca’s Aphasia? Because you leave me speechless

Ghost King

Thank you, next.

Significant Annoyance

Hey I’m a medullary thyroid carcinoma and you’re a pheochromocytoma. We’re MEN 2B

Ghost King


Significant Annoyance

Are you ventricular depolarization and repolarization? Because you are a QT

Ghost King

Oh my gods

Significant Annoyance

You’re blushing

Ghost King

Am not

Significant Annoyance

Rosacea is red, cyanosis is blue, I get tachycardia when I think of you
Are you an exothermic reaction? Because you spread your hotness everywhere

Ghost King


Significant Annoyance

I wish I was Trypanosoma cruzi so I could live inside your heart
You must have a C3 convertase inhibitor because you’re impossible to complement. You’re already perfect

Ghost King


Significant Annoyance

HA! I knew I could get you. You’re adorable

Ghost King

Shuddup I am not

Significant Annoyance

When you walked in the door, your beauty hit me so hard that I had a subarachnoid haemorrhage from the impact
You make my heart have premature ventricular contractions

“Oh my gods!” Leo exclaimed. “Nico’s blushing!”

Nico tore his eyes away from the screen. “What? No!”

Before he could do anything about it, Leo had snatched the phone from his hands.

“Who’s Significant Annoyance?” he taunted.

“Leo, I will kill you!”

“Medical pick up lines? This girl’s a dork.”

“A girl?” Reyna repeated, her eyes darkening. Nico face palmed.

“Nico’s got a girlfriend.” Leo smirked. Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Hazel and Piper shared a look. They all knew Nico was gay and, from the looks on Piper and Annabeth’s face they had figured it out. Percy, Jason and Hazel could only be so far behind.

“Nico can’t date!” Jason declared sternly. “Give that to me, Leo.”

Leo handed it over. Nico started jumping up to try and get his phone back but Jason held it over his head, looking up to scroll through messages. Reyna peered over his shoulder.

“What’s this girl even saying? Is it some kind of slang? Is she being suggestive? I need to talk to her,” Reyna demanded.

“No!” Nico had given up jumping. “Just give it back.”

“Come on, it’s private,” Frank reasoned. “If Nico has a girlfriend, that’s his business.”

“Frank’s right,” Hazel chimed in. “It isn’t funny guys.”

“I’m not trying to be funny,” Jason said. “I’m trying to save Nico’s innocence.”

Nico wanted to crawl up in a hole and die. This was the single most embarrassing moment of his life and he’d had a lot of embarrassing moments. Worst of all he didn’t even have Will’s shoulder to bury his face in and hide.

“Explain,” Reyna ordered. Nico sighed miserably.

“Yeah, I’m dating and honestly I am the happiest I have ever been. I’m dating a massive dork with the biggest heart and the sweetest personality and he is my favourite person.”


Nico froze. Reyna’s eyes narrowed.

“Nico? He?”

Nico hung his head. “Yeah, he. I’m gay.”

He flinched, waiting for an explosion. Instead he was wrapped in a massive, protective hug.

“Okay,” she said softly. He hugged Reyna back, tears of relief rolling down his cheeks.

“Happy for you, man,” Leo said. “But we’re still talking about this mystery boyfriend.”

Reyna pulled back, holding Nico by the shoulders and staring him dead in the eyes. Nico brushed her hands off and sat down on the bed.

“Okay, fine. And he isn’t my boyfriend. I mean, maybe he is. I don’t know. We haven’t really talked about that yet.”

“Nico,” Jason reprimanded.

“Yeah, sorry.” Nico cleared his throat. “He’s thoughtful and generous and a little irritating at times but I love it.”

“Blah, blah, blah, who is he?” Percy asked.

Piper laughed. “You don’t know?”

“Call him!” Leo demanded.

“A boyfriend.” Jason shook his head.

“He better be appropriate.” Reyna scowled.

“Why didn’t I know about this?” Hazel questioned.

“I’m sure he’s lovely.” Frank smiled.

“I know you’ll be happy together,” Annabeth said.

“Be quiet!” Nico yelled.

The group finally fell silent, looking a little sheepish at all the noise they were making.

“Give me my phone.”

Nico was given his phone.

“It’s Will. Will’s my boyfriend.”

The explosive reaction could be heard all across camp. Nico was never hearing the end of this.


Bonus Drabble

“I’m just saying that there’s only so many times someone can get injured,” Nico grumbled as he lay in the strawberry fields on his side facing Will. Will rolled his eyes and clasped Nico’s hands in his, pulling them to his chest.

“I don’t know. You’re injured a lot.”

“Exactly!” Nico protested. “How many times do you think I’m actually injured and how many times do you think I’m faking it to flirt with you?”

“You know I can always tell when you’re faking.”

“So you know she is!”

Will smiled and kissed Nico’s knuckles. “Does it matter? I love you.”

Nico huffed. “I just think a light stabbing might make her see differently.”

Will laughed and pulled Nico on top of him, kissing him briefly and tucking dark hair behind Nico’s ear. Nico rested with his elbows either side of Will’s head and a pout on his face.

“Are you going to spend the whole date talking about one irritating flirter?”

Nico raised an eyebrow. “Maybe.”

“I love how jealous you are right now.”

“I’m not jealous!”

Will nodded. “Sure, sunshine.”

Nico kissed him to wipe the smirk off his face. Nico broke away to kiss Will’s nose.

“I don’t need to be anyway. You love me.”

“I do,” Will admitted, rolling over so he could cuddle Nico properly. “I love you.”

Nico finally relaxed. "I love you too."



Hey, loves! Thank you to Bi-dergirl (awesome name BTW) for the prompt. I had a bit of fun with it, hope you enjoyed.

Ash x

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