Kissing Lessons

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Nico and Will were in the Hades Cabin playing Mythomagic when the question arose.

“Will, have you ever kissed someone?”

There was silence. Will could feel his cheeks turning bright red.

“Yes,” he answered somewhat hesitantly. Looking deep in thought, Nico nodded.

“Can you teach me?”

Despite how unfazed Nico looked by all this, Will was rivalling a tomato. Teach?

“I’ve always been curious as to like... how you do it,” Nico continued. “And you’re my best friend so obviously you are my go to.”

Best friend, Will repeated in his head. Just friends helping out friends. Buddies being buddies. His heart sank just a little but he smiled and went to sit on Nico’s bed with his legs crossed. Nico did the same and sat opposite him.

“Okay, well,” Will fumbled around for the words. “Let’s start with the basics. Pouting lips. You know about that, right?”

Nico’s head tilted to one side like an adorably confused animal.

“It’s where you go like this.” Will made a kissing face as best he could. Nico snorted.

“You look like a duck.”

“Well then I know better to help you out in the future.”

Nico grabbed Will’s arms. “Wait, I’m sorry. You’re a very handsome duck.”

He dropped Will’s arms and mimicked the face.

“Like this?” his muffled voice asked. Will couldn’t help but start laughing.

“It does look like a duck!”

Nico burst out laughing with him.

It took a few minutes but eventually they calmed down.

“Okay, we got the basics.” Will caught his breath.

“Wait but there’s more right?” Nico said. “When people make out and stuff. They lick each other.”

“Oh my gods!” Will was both cracking up and blushing hard enough he glowed.

“What? They lick each others’ mouths and stuff.”

“Yeah I guess they lick each other.” Will gasped for air.

“And don’t they bite each other too? Eat each other?”

Will howled with laughter, rolling onto his side and clutching his stomach. Nico couldn’t help but smile at the sight.

“What? What did I say?”

Will sat back up, a hand over his mouth to cover his laughter.

“One last question, I promise,” Nico implored. “What do you do with your eyes?”

“You shut them,” Will said. He closed his eyes for demonstration. When he opened them, Nico nodded thoughtfully.

Before Will could process it, Nico had shut his eyes, leaned forward and given him a brief but sweet kiss.

“Like that?” Nico questioned nervously.

Will’s brain had stopped working. His mouth opened and closed aimlessly and his eyes were as wide as saucers.

“Did I get it wrong?”

Will shook his head. “No... You know, these things take practice.”

Nico raised an eyebrow. “Really? It’s just mushing faces together. I think I did pretty good.”

“You did amazing,” Will confirmed. “But there’s other stuff too.”

He shuffled closer, gazing into Nico’s wide eyes. He raised his hands to cup Nico’s face and tuck that bit of loose hair behind his ear.

“Like this?” Nico lifted his hands to do the same to Will’s face, brown eyes looking over every inch of it.

“Yeah,” Will said quietly. “Then you lean in.”

He leaned in as he spoke until their lips were a breath away. He couldn’t stop looking at how close they were.

“You’re supposed to close your eyes,” Nico whispered. Will nodded.


And he did.



Hey, loves! Sorry I haven't updated in a little while. I try to update at least once a week. Thank you so much for reading!

Ash x

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