Completely, Unequivocally, Unfairly

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It was completely and unequivocally unfair, Nico decided, that he was in love with Will Solace. He hadn't asked to fall in love and certainly hadn't asked for everything that came with it. He was entirely unprepared to suddenly admire the way Will's eyes lit up when a patient was given the all clear, the way the sunlight slipped through his golden curls, the way his freckles lay like constellations on his tanned skin, the way his calloused fingers strummed so delicately yet freely at the guitar and the way his voice croaked in the morning and dipped down to a rougher, scratcher pitch mingled with a stronger southern accent.

Dating Will didn't make it any better, he discovered. A heart racing so fast Nico wondered if he should visit a doctor (before he remembered who his doctor was) slowed a little, sweaty palms were slightly cooler and the uncontrollable desire to be close to Will at all times was no longer odd. However, his head was even more light, his mouth even dryer, his awkwardness growing in other ways. Nico didn't know how to be a boyfriend. All he knew was that he desperately needed to be a good one for the person he was sure deserved a good boyfriend more than anything.

It was a Saturday afternoon and Nico was sat on a blanket in the strawberry fields munching on a ham sandwich from the picnic hamper and trying to ignore the dizziness he got from the mere brush of shoulders with Will. Will was leaning back on his hands, a faraway look in his eyes and a soft smile on his face. Nico loved that smile. He loved that the right corner of his mouth tugged up just a little higher than the other, that there was a tiny mole right above his upper lip and that Will's dimples showed, barely noticeably but still there, even with the smallest of smiles. Most of all, Nico loved that he was close enough to notice.

It was quiet in the strawberry fields. A peaceful silence had washed over them and even the animals had offered them privacy. The day was warm with a gentle breeze cool enough that Nico could use it to excuse the slight shiver when Will's hand rested on his back. Nico turned his head, taking in every inch of sun-kissed skin and ocean blue eyes. He bit his lip subconsciously.

Will's eyebrows were furrowed by only enough to be recognised at a short distance and nerves were written in his eyes. Nico wasn't sure what to do so he finished his sandwich and raised a hand with slender, careful fingers to cup Will's cheek, biting back a smile when Will nuzzled into the touch. Nico had been biting back a lot of smiles since he started dating Will and usually not successfully.

"I love you," Will murmured. His faint southern twang was a bit stronger, his voice a bit deeper. An emotion Nico couldn't place hid behind his words. Perhaps it was because the emotion was so closely entwined with so many others. Good ones, Nico hoped.

"I love you too." Nico's voice was a whisper so as not to break the fragile absence of sound. There it was: the racing heart, the sweaty palms, the desire to touch. Lying and saying that they'd disappeared altogether hadn't done him any good. Two years of this and Nico was still floating on air.

"I have something for you." Will cleared his throat. "It's obviously fine if you don't want it."

He pecked Nico's lips and reached into his pocket. He retrieved a box and opened it to reveal two rings. They were matching with gold and silver twisted together like twisted trunks of trees. On the inside of each was engraved 'δικός σας'. 'Yours' Nico translated. Under the light of the sun, they looked as if they were glowing.

"They're promise rings," Will began. "Being demigods, we don't know how long we have and, although we're a bit young to be getting engaged or married, I wanted you to know that you are the one definite in my future. I don't want any life without you. I want to buy an apartment with you and make you breakfast in bed and wake up knowing you're going to be there every day for the rest of our lives together. One day, I'm going to propose and I can only dream that you'll say yes. I'm yours, Nico. I'm all yours. I love you so godsdamn much."

Nico exhaled shakily and let a grin spread across his face. "Promise?"

"Promise." Will nodded. Nico took one of the rings and slid it on his finger, taking Will's hand and sliding it on his too. He took a moment to breathe in the fresh air, to feel the cool wind tickle the back of his mouth and to giggle at the insanity of it all.

"They're beautiful," was all he could say as he hugged Will, falling on top of him on the checkered blanket and kissing him for all he was worth. Every kiss, every caress, every 'I love you' wasn't enough.

Nico was falling into an abyss of the unknown. His skin was on fire with every touch, his mind was foggy with every word, his lips were tingly and numb from every kiss. He was drowning in sunlight, drowning in blue, drowning in Will. Every sense in him was sure he was dying but he'd never felt more alive. It thrummed inside of him, searing into his soul until he was sure that it could never leave. Hands left their prints with the lightest of touches, electricity sparked everywhere skin met skin. In Will's arms, he was everything. Will was everything.

Yes, Nico Di Angelo was completely, unequivocally and unfairly in love with Will Solace.

He wouldn't have it any other way.

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