My Darling, My Dear

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After a long day at work, Nico was glad to be home. He unlocked the door and flopped onto the sofa, fully intending to fall fast asleep. He loved his job but you can only love something so much after doing it for ten hours straight (or gay in his case).

Just as he was drifting off, he caught the faint sound of Will in his music room playing his guitar. Now, Nico might have been tired but he had always had energy for a kiss and a snuggle with his husband so he forced himself up, wrapping a blanket around him that trailer behind him as he trudged down the hallway.

Will was singing, he soon realised with a smile. He loved Will’s voice. It was calm and deep like the rumble before the rain and passionate and unqiue like the lightning that came after. Nico gently pushed the door open and leaned against the doorway. Will sat on a stool in the middle of the room with his eyes were closed and he was drowning in the music in a way that was stunning to behold.

My darling, my dear, my sweet
If you cry, don't cry for me
But if you want you need only
To release your whispers on the breeze
My darling, my dear, for me.

My darling, my dear, my sweet
If you smile then smile for me
Let your sweet laughter
Carry beyond rivers and trees
My darling, my dear, to me.

And you find our dreams aren't reality
And if you try and you hope
But you know the problem is me
I'll leave
You be.

My darling, my dear, my sweet
You know I'd sail across the mighty sea
I'd brave tundra and mountain
But it wasn't meant to be
My darling, my dear, be free.

My darling, my dear, my sweet
One day you'll find somebody to love endlessly
And if you're drowning in sorrow
Make sure they know to remind you how to breathe
My darling, my dear, my sweet.

Will's fingers stilled but his eyes remained closed to hold onto the moment. Only when the blues of his irises came into view did Nico start to clap. Will jumped and set his guitar down as Nico walked behind him, slipping his arms around Will’s shoulders and kissing his curls. Will looked up at him with a lopsided smile.

"My dad wrote that for my mum," he said. Nico nearly choked.

"Apollo wrote that?"

"It's been known to happen." Will shrugged. "He also wrote her some terrible haïkus so it isn't entirely out of character."

"He must of really loved her."

Will stood and turned to encircle his arms around Nico’s waist.

"He probably sang the same thing to all his lovers. He's melodramatic like that."

Nico chuckled, leaning forward to hug Will to him.

"Would you sing that for anyone but me?" he asked mischievously. Will’s arms tightened and he kissed Nico’s forehead with a smile.

"Only for you, my sweet."

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