Drunken Hookups

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TW: Alcohol

Crashing lips, eager hands, heavy breaths.

Nico closed his eyes and tried to enjoy it. He didn't know the guy's name, although he didn't think that would be a problem as his hookup had called him Kai. It was probably an ex's name. Desperate, drunk men called him all sorts and he was usually too wasted to care.


The guy's lips were glued to his neck but the pain was no where near pleasurable. As a hairy hand started to wander, Nico slapped it away and took a few steps back, taking a moment to process the situation. The club's music pounded in his ears even through the heavy bathroom door. The bathroom itself was filthy like they always were and he could feel dirt on the sink he was leaning on. It hadn't bothered him before. He just wasn't feeing it today.

"My place?" the guy suggested, reaching out to grab Nico's arm. Nico yanked it away, feeling even more disoriented than he had a few moments before.

"I don't... I don't think so."

The guy frowned and Nico was wondering what he was doing here. Nico was horny sure but this guy wasn't even remotely attractive. In fact, the more Nico stared at him the more ugly he looked. Not to mention they were both far from sober.

"Hard to get, huh?"

Nico rolled his eyes. "Last thing I am is hard."

He shoved the door open and stumbled over to the bar. The guy trailed after him, swaying to the point where he almost fell over.

"You can't do that!" he moaned. "You wanted this."

Nico reached into his foggy brain from the right words.

"I don't now."

The guy reached out to grasp his hand but a different one shoved him away.

"He said no," a deep voice with a Texan accent interrupted. Nico steadied himself by clutching the bar counter top with one hand.

"Dude!" The guy threw his hands in the air in exasperation.

"I don't care what y'all have goin' on. He said no. I have to ask you to leave."

The guy grumbled but stormed out. Nico glanced at the person who saved him. He wore the bartender's uniform - a black apron and trousers with a crisp, white shirt - and had a towel slung over his shoulder. His shirt sleeves were rolled up his forearms to expose muscles tensed like they'd been ready for a fight. Nico's breath caught when his eyes landed on his saviour's face. He was tan with an abundance of freckles, soft and golden curls and eyes an icy blue. A sun earring hung from his left earlobe.

"Thanks," Nico slurred, trying as hard as he could to support his own weight. A strong arm looped around his waist just before he fell.

"Okay, I'm not gonna let you go home on your own. Y'all customers gonna be the death of me. Lou Ellen?"

"Yeah?" a girl serving a group of people at the bar called back.

"Cover for me?" the bartender asked, putting on puppy eyes. The girl sighed.

"Only because I love you," she responded. The bartender winked and helped Nico out the door. They sat down at a bus stop (well, the bartender sat and Nico slumped) and the bartender pulled out his phone.

"I'll call us an Uber," he said and Nico leaned back, closing his eyes to stop the world spinning.

"What's your name?" Nico questioned. The bartender shot him a quick smile and Nico felt his heart melting.

"Will. Will Solace."

"Will," Nico repeated, his Italian accent prominent in his intoxicated state. "Pretty name for a pretty boy."

He waved a finger at the bartender and Will chuckled, lowering it gently.

It didn't take long for the Uber to arrive and Will spent the entire journey listening, commenting and laughing as drunken words tumbled from Nico's mouth with even less thought than his ADHD usually allowed him.

Twenty minutes after, they arrived at Nico's apartment. It took a great deal of effort, swearing and falling over but the made it to Nico's door. As soon as Nico got inside, he collapsed on the sofa and fell fas asleep.


The pounding in his head and the sickness in his stomach was an all too familiar feeling. Nico rubbed his temples and groaned, trying to recall what had happened last night. His eyes were glued shut but he managed to pry them open.

He was suprised to find himself lying on the sofa with blankets wrapped around him and a pillow under his head. On the coffee table was a glass of water, a sandwich and a note.

Dear Nico (if that really is your name),

I know you were very drunk last night but I couldn't help but be charmed by you. I appreciate the hundred or so times I was called 'pretty' or 'hot' or 'godlike' and I do work out so thanks for asking.

I hope your hangover isn't too bad.


Before Nico could die of embarrassment, his eyes caught on the number at the bottom of the number.

Perhaps drunken hookups were a thing of the past.



Hey, loves! Thank you for 5k! Hope you liked this one.

Ash x

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