Time To Get Up, Honey

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"Nico? Time to get up, honey."

Nico pried open his eyes, rolling over and groaning. He felt around on the other side of the bed on instinct. It was cold. Nico wrinkled his nose, more awake now, and sat up. He glanced at his phone, which sat charging on his bedside table. The screen lit up and his morning alarm started to play again.

"Nico? Time to get up, honey."

It waited a couple of seconds before playing again.

"Nico? Time to get up, honey. Nico? Time to-"

Nico shut it off. He fell back into his pillows, rubbing at his jaw and frowning at the stubble his felt. He needed a shave.

Hauling himself out of bed, he grabbed his phone and one of Will’s hoodies and made his way to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, shaved and sprayed Will’s cologne on himself with a satisfied smile.

Whilst making breakfast, he glanced at the note written on the fridge.

Don't forget your coffee - Will :) xx

Nico felt his face soften. "Thanks, nightlight."

He kissed his fingers and touched them to the note.

Driving was one of the times when he became most aware of his boyfriend’s absence. The passenger seat was unbearably empty and there was no laughter or squabbling over the music. Nico put on one of Will’s playlists. It was terrible. He loved it.

Pulling up outside work, he slammed the car door shut, grabbed his bag and marched into the school building.

Mr. Di Angelo's scowl was famous at the school. Only his students could tell you the way he lit up when he talked about history, the way his accent came out and the way his hands waved wildly around as he chattered animatedly with a spark in his eyes. Nico liked to think he was a good teacher. He was passionate and relatively patient. He was good at explaining things and at keeping a neutral face when something was going testing his temper.

None of the students had done anything to upset him that day. He was just missing Will. He missed him so badly that his body ached with it. So he did what he did best and dove himself into his work.

"The French Revolution!" Nico declared as he clicked on the first slide. "One of my favourite times in history. It was a world of chop or be chopped and heads were rolling left right and centre."

"I've been to France!" one of his students piped up. Nico was fairly relaxed about hands being up. He'd been a kid with ADHD once. So long as it was under control he didn't mind.

"And did you see any guillotines?" he asked. The student (he was pretty sure their preferred name was Bug which he thought was a power move) shook their head.

"No but I did pretend to cut off my brother's head with a baguette. Have you ever been to France, sir?"

Nico’s expression turned strained. "Once. With my boyfriend. We loved it but he was scared of all the pigeons."

The students knew three things about Nico's boyfriend.

1. His name was Will

2. He was away a lot

3. Mr. Di Angelo always looked sad when he mentioned him

They didn't press on the subject and Nico was grateful for it. He moved swiftly on.


"How are the kids today?" his co worker, Reyna, asked. Nico shrugged as he flopped down into one of the chairs in the teacher lounge.

"Eager to get to Friday like the rest of us," he answered. Reyna barked out a laugh, frowning when he didn't join in.

"You alright, Nico?"

Nico glanced at her, briefly making eye contact. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure?"

Nico could feel bile rising in his throat. He shook his head.

"Reyna, leave it. I'm fine. I'll see you in assembly."

Reyna didn't look convinced but watched him get up and leave the room.

Nico sighed as soon as he was out the door, feeling tears prickling on the corner of his eyes. He pulled himself together and walked to the hall slowly, giving himself enough time to steady his shaking hands.

Some days it was harder without Will than others.

The headmaster droned on as Nico zoned out. Some things never change.

Nico’s boss was a nice guy. He was called Dr. Chiron (Nico hadn't ever managed to get his first name) and had been headmaster for at least twenty years. Nico was sat on one of the teacher's chairs positioned behind where Chiron addressed the hordes of children from his wheelchair, legs covered with a tartan blanket.

"And now we have a special guest joining us," Chiron said. Nico’s mind snapped back into focus. He didn't hear about a guest. He tried to catch Reyna's eye to ask what the hell was going on but didn't manage.

The doors burst open.

Everything vanished. There was only Nico’s thumping heart and those beautiful, soft, blue eyes.


His voice came out as a hoarse whisper. Will’s grin was every inch as blindingly gorgeous as he remembered.

"Hey, baby."

Nico was still in his chair. What the fuck was he doing in his chair? He leapt up and sprinted to his boyfriend, pouncing on him and clutching to him for all he was worth. He could feel his warmth, his curls, his breath on Nico’s neck. Nico inhaled Will’s scent and it was oh so much better than that cologne. He didn't say anything. He just buried his head in the neck of his wonderful, wonderful boyfriend and prayed that this was real.

He could feel Will’s arms wrap around his waist tightly and could vaguely hear the mutterings of the students somewhere in the distance. Will was here.

Will was home.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Nico asked through his tears, tightening his grip.

"I wanted to surprise you," Will replied, his voice muffled from his face being pressed into Nico’s hair.

"You're embarrassing me in front of the whole school. I'm supposed to be tough."

Will chuckled, the sound slightly choked. "You're not letting go."

Nico pressed a gentle kiss to where his head was still melded to Will’s neck.

"Never. I'm never letting go."



Hey, loves! If you hadn't noticed, I'm a sucker for Soldier!Will coming home fics. I got your requests and holy shit you guys are thirsty for suffering. I added a dash of suffering here but there will be plenty more to come. I'm also going to do a Pt. 2 of Gas Station Pizza at some point (keep bugging me or I will forget).

Hope you enjoyed! And I gave you plot so be satisfied, you vultures /affectionate.

Ash x

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