It's Legal

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Nico rubbed his eyes, groaning. He hadn't meant to have a nap but he'd been in his cabin cuddling with his boyfriend of two years and he'd drifted off. He felt Will's arm around his torso tighten when he moved and smiled to himself. His back was held against a warm body, nose pressing into the back of his neck. He turned around and burrowed into Will's chest, sighing contentedly. Unfortunately, the peace wasn't to last.

"Neeks! Will!" Jason burst through the door that Nico was sure he had locked, grinning like an idiot as he plopped himself down at the end of Nico's bed.

"Don't call me Neeks." The son of Hades scowled. He pushed himself up on his elbows as Will started to stir, loosening his grip, blinking and greeting the intruder. Nico smiled fondly at Will as he yawned and sat up, stretching like a cat.

"Okay, okay." Jason held up his hands but didn't appear sincere. "Just come with me."

He grabbed the hand of Nico, who in turn grabbed Will's hoodie, and dragged the pair out of the cabin. Nico glanced at his boyfriend, who shrugged and entwined their hands as they followed Jason to the campfire. Nico was about to protest about being taken from a warm bed and a warm body to go to the campfire that was held every night but then he spotted his friends among the crowd and they were all wearing suspicious beams. As Jason, Nico and Will approached, they exchanged excited looks. Jason stood by his girlfriend, his grin almost maniacal now. Nico raised his eyebrows.

"What did you do this time?" Will asked, obviously thinking the same thing.

"Nothing!" Annabeth exclaimed. Nico's eyebrows shot further up his forehead. If Annabeth was in on it then gods know what was going on. She locked eyes with Piper, who nodded as her smile grew. Piper turned to Nico and Will and let out a giddy giggle.

"We were just sitting around the campfire singing songs," she started, "when Chiron said he had an announcement and, oh gods, it's great news-"

"And long overdue," Percy added. Leo nodded fervently. Nico frowned and noticed a similar expression on Will's face. He squeezed his hand.

"Anyway," Piper continued, "he told us about the mortal world and about how-"

"They legalised gay marriage!" Jason interrupted.

"It should never have been invalid in the first place," Annabeth said in her tone that always led to a lecture about how unfair and messed up the mortal world was. Neither Will nor Nico were laying her much attention. They met each other's gaze with matching shocked expressions.

"Sunshine, you know what this means," Will said quietly. Nico nodded, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

"I can marry you," he whispered, a smile forming on his face.

"It's legal!" Will grinned.

"You can marry me," Nico said louder now. He didn't know if who he was telling but he had to say it. Will laughed and ran a hand through his hair in disbelief. Nico grabbed Will's face and pulled him down for a kiss. They pulled away and he let out a breathless chuckle.

"In ten years time, we'll have a house together." He sighed happily. "We'll have a dog and a cat and a kid and we can be husbands, tesoro. We'll have a big ceremony and invite all our friends and family and you're going to look so handsome in your suit and we can get married!"

He kissed Will again, looping his arms around Will's neck and feeling arms around his waist, pulling him close in return. Neither cared that the rest of the camp was probably staring at them. They broke apart and hugged so tightly that they struggled to breathe.

"I love you, Nico."

"I love you too, Will."



Hey, loves! The Internet's been down for a couple of long and boring days in my neighbourhood but it's back now. 2.11k views is crazy!!! Thank you so much.

Ash x

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