Soup And Stickers

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"Are you done yet?" Nico complained.

"Nearly," Will promised. His eyes were narrowed and his tongue poked out of the corner of his mouth in concentration.

Nico had spent the last two weeks in hell.

Okay, maybe he was exaggerating a little bit but he spent far longer than two weeks in literal hell so he was allowed to. Either way, it was not fun being stuck with a cast on your leg and the worst part was that he still had weeks left to go.

Will came around every day to entertain him and forcefeed him soup and ambrosia. Having your boyfriend as your doctor does have some benifits. He got kisses at every checkup and left with at least six stickers and it was actually kind of nice just having someone to cared for him. He'd never admit that, of course.

"How long is this going to take?" Nico grumbled. Will didn't look up.

"It's masterpiece, darlin'. I've got to take my time."

Nico rolled his eyes. This was the downside. For the last fifteen minutes, Will had stopped entertaining Nico in favour of making him sit still with his leg on a cushion whilst Will decorated his cast with several glitter pens. Every time Nico tried to lean forward to see what was happening, Will pushed him back.

He'd regretted it the instant he told Will he could sign his cast. So far, Nico had managed to avoid letting anyone near the thing but he couldn’t resist his boyfriend and the promise of as many games of mythomagic he wanted for the rest of the evening. Will was looking far too serious about his work for Nico not to be suspicious. When he said sign, he meant a name or a doodle not an entire art exhibit.

"It's going to be amazing, babe," Will assured him. "I just have to finish."

Nico leaned back into his pillows and regretted his life decisions, which was becoming a common occurrence for him.

"Look, tesoro, not that I don't appreciate whatever this is but I'm really bored and-"

"Done!" Will interrupted him with one last line drawn. He sat up with a wide grin looking all too pleased with himself. "Wanna see?"

Hesitantly, Nico nodded. Will lit up and helped him up and to his crutches so he could look in the full length mirror in the bathroom.

"It's a little sloppy," Will told him. "I did my best."

Nico lost his breath when he saw what was in the mirror.

Small doodles of hearts, suns and stars were spread across alongside some mini rainbows. What Nico was most focused on was the writing.

Gorgeous, brave, talented, loving, daring, helpful, sweet, stubborn, bold, kind, perfect.

On the rim of the top of the cast was written If lost, return to Will Solace.

"Will," Nico whispered. He could see Will’s anxious face in the mirror as the boy rocked back and forth on his heels with his hands clasped together.

"Do you like it?" he asked, a twinge of fear in his voice. Nico let out a breathy laugh and turned to pull Will down by his collar for a kiss.

"You're something else, Solace."

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