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"Ha! You've landed on my property and look at that. It has a hotel. One thousand please." Will smiled smugly. Nico pouted.

"Does the banker accept kisses as well?"

Will gasped dramatically. "Don't flirt your way out of this! That is no way to run a business."

Nico rocked back on his knees and folded his arms. "But I'm about to go bankrupt."

"That's the point of the game."

"This game is stupid."

"Oh, I'm sorry you're such a sore loser," Will teased, moving around the coffee table to tackle Nico to the ground and tickle him. Nico laughed until his sides nearly burst, feebly pushing Will away.

Will relented eventually and pulled Nico to his chest, kissing the crown of his head and grinning.

"Draw?" he offered.

Nico nodded. "Even though I would have won."


A storm raged outside. The rain hammered mercilessly down as the winds shrieked and the clouds roared. Inside the flat, it was warm. Cushions and blankets had been arranged around the coffee table and the stray cat that had decided to live there and had been doing so for the last few years under the name of Eclipse was curled up on the sofa fast asleep.

Nico curled into Will’s chest, clutching onto the fabric of his pyjamas.

"If I was a colour, what do you think I'd be?" he asked. Will held him tighter and thought for a moment.

"Well, the obvious answer is rainbow," he said. Nico smacked his arm, giggling.

"I'm serious!"

"Red," Will corrected. "Red has so many different meanings. You'd be the colour of anger, of fire, of passion, of blood, of heart, of love. You'd be anything and everything at once. You'd be red like embers in a hearth keeping a family warm and red like the blaze that burns whole cities down."

Nico smiled to himself. "I like that."

"What about me?" Will asked.

"Well, the obvious answer is yellow," Nico mocked. "Honestly, I'd say blue. You seem so calm on the outside but there's a rough sea inside of you. You're both clear skies and raging rivers. You'd be blue like the colour of your eyes. The most beautiful colour I've ever seen."

"I like that."

And they held each other until they fell asleep.



Hey, loves! Short but sweet mindless fluff today. I felt like I should get something out as I haven't updated for a few days. Hope this was satisfactory.

Ash x

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