97: Smiles Like Gasoline

Start from the beginning


After Soul had eased the group back down through the massive hole into the bunker, minus Rudi and Kala, who had been picked up by one of Elizabeth's agents, Danny approached the keypad that unlocked Azriel's Sanctum. Danny placed his fingers on the edge of the console and his eyes started shimmering silver. It was almost a full minute before he typed in the passphrase.


"What the hell does that mean?" Rhys asked in confusion after Danny typed in the phrase.

"Death comes to all." Damien spoke in Danny's place, and Danny gave him an angry side eye.

"That's right." Danny grumbled as his finger hovered over the enter key. "You should all stand back, we don't know if it's trapped or not." He said flatly before everyone exchanged a look, then stepped back and away from the door. After all his friends were safe, Danny pressed the enter key and the phrase flashed green on the screen. The door slid open to reveal another long hallway with white marble walls and rose quartz accents. A lush red carpet led from the door all the way down the hallway to another set of doors. Except this set of double doors was extremely posh and expensive looking. Danny went to step forward but halted when he felt a gentle touch on his arm.

"Let me go first this time." Nyx said calmly as Danny looked over at her.

Danny looked slightly worried as he looked her up and down. Bloody clothes, tired posture and even more tired look in her eyes. "Are you sure? I can-"

"Yes, I know you have your Super Prediction, but just...please. Let me go first." Nyx insisted as she looked at him with serious eyes, she wanted to be the one to confront Azriel. She had a weird feeling that she needed to confirm. Danny returned her stare for a few seconds before he sighed and closed his eyes. He knew there was no point in arguing with her, so he stepped aside to let her take the lead. Nyx took a deep breath before she began walking down the hall, her comrades followed her a few feet behind.

Once she reached the double doors, she reached forward and gripped both of the door knobs before hesitating. She heard soft footsteps coming up behind her and felt a gentle hand on her arm. She turned her head slightly to see Nate giving her a somber look. "What's wrong, love?" He asked her in a calm and sweet voice.

"Nothing is really wrong, it's just...I don't know what to expect when we walk in here." Nyx responded quietly as she looked back down at the doorknobs that were still gripped by her slightly sweaty hands.

"It doesn't matter what we're walking into, we're all here together, and we can handle it." Nate responded in a determined tone and Nyx could hear the smile in his tone. Nyx nodded before taking a deep breath, she turned the knobs and swung open the double doors before stepping inside along with her friends...and Damien and Jaya. She still wasn't exactly ready to call either of them a friend yet. The room was massive and beautifully decorated. It was wide open except for a grand throne at the opposite end, surrounded by multiple piles of voodoo dolls, all linked together with thin pink strings. Those strings converged into the clenched fist of Azriel Enoch, who was sitting sideways in the throne with his legs hanging over one of the arm rests while his head was hanging casually over the other arm rest. When the door opened, his head perked up and he looked at who was intruding on his Sanctum.

A gleeful smile spread across his face. "Ooohh, I was wondering when you'd show up!" He said happily before he shifted to a sitting position in the throne and rested his chin into his palm, his other hand still clutching the strings. His eyes drifted to Nate, "I didn't expect you to bring your lady friend here for me. I'm just tickled pink at your generosity." He taunted playfully as he looked down his nose at Nate, whose lip curled in anger. Nyx turned her head to look at him.

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