Chapter 84: Yu Bei, You Steal Food!

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Qin Feng's tomato and egg noodles are really good, fragrant.

At least it's much stronger than Master Gu's noodles.

What a boyfriend.

A little ruffian outside, wear a bib when you go home.

Very contrasting cute.

is really poor compared with Xia Yifan's family.

After eating noodles, Qin Feng also took the initiative to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and then sat on the sofa and watched TV in a hurry.

"Why don't you go back?" Yu Bei glanced at the wall clock, Qin Feng didn't go back yet, Gu Yiming was about to come back.

Qin Feng complained loudly: "Brother finally came to comfort you, and you still drove me away?"

"Could it be that you still stay for the night?" Yu Bei muttered.

"You won't take me in?" Qin Feng hugged Yu Bei over and pinched his face to play.

"Our family...... Can't stay.

Qin Feng turned his head to look at the bedroom and said, "Doesn't your house have two bedrooms?"

"Gu ...... Gu Yiming may come in the evening."

"It's as if you are sleeping separately......"

Yu Bei was about to deny it, but was interrupted by Qin Feng.

"You just slept in one bed in college, and now you can still separate?

"How could it be ......" is actually not early.

Just the other day.

Negative eighteen is not enough.

Yu Bei is worried.

Gu Yiming saw that there was another man in the family.

There may be a fight.

Seeing Yu Bei's worried face, Qin Feng opened his mouth to comfort him.

"Don't worry, baby, it's okay, I won't come out of the room, you guys play you. "

Why don't you go back and apologize to Xia Yifan and come to my house for the night?"

Yu Bei was afraid that Qin Feng would go back, and his home would be moved by Xia Yifan.

"Let's talk about it?We've slept before, why didn't we come to sleep for a night?"

Yu Bei almost bit his tongue: "Who slept with you, I didn't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense......"

"You still don't admit it after sleeping for four years?".

Please be precise, don't be so vague!

"Come, come, let my brother be rare.

Yu Bei was dragged over, and Qin Feng hugged him to watch TV together, looking at him with a long sigh.

"Alas...... I really envy Gu Yiming. "

"Look at how well-behaved you are, how soft and cute you are. Why isn't Xia Yifan like this? He fights with me every day, and his temper is too stinky. I can play you whatever I want."

Dio, Qin Feng has never seen how hard I am.

"Have you rekindled your old relationship with Xia Yifan?"

 "Yu Bei " What is the rekindling of old love. Qin Feng denied it, "I haven't burned with him, who can take a fancy to his bullish temper?"

Probably his mouth.

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