Nyx clenched her fists again and turned her head to Kyle. "Call my mom." Nyx uttered softly with a shaking voice, the defiance had completely left her now. Kyle looked at her for a moment and opened his mouth to speak, but Nyx cut him off. "Kyle...please." She pleaded, he saw the look in her eyes and it made him almost forget what he was going to say. Nyx didn't look angry, she looked scared. "If it comes from you...she'll know it's serious."

Kyle looked at her for a moment before he sighed and pulled out his phone to call Elizabeth. After a few seconds of deafening silence, Kyle spoke into his phone. "Elizabeth, we have a bit of a problem... Willow Anders has Nate trapped in her House and says that she'll only release him if we arrange her a safe way out of the city..." It was silent for a while as Nyx stared with scared eyes. Orion moved over to Nyx and gently placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Nyx please calm down, we're going to get him out of this okay? I promise." Orion spoke gently as Kyle could be heard saying something indistinct into the phone. Nyx nodded before Kyle flipped his phone shut and looked towards Willow.

"The Chairman will arrange for an agency vehicle to escort you to the airport, you will release him before you get on that plane." Kyle said sternly, not giving her any room to argue.

Willow smiled again, and even though it seemed to be happy, it still held a hint of menace. "I appreciate it, and I'm sure-"

"Who hurt his eye?" Nyx asked quietly, interrupting Willow. She sighed and looked down at Nate again, his face had softened again, he must've escaped whatever was attacking him.

"It was Azriel. Although, I'm not sure where the stab wound in his shoulder came from. It definitely wasn't from my House, I can say that confidently." Willow explained before the trio could see her jaw clench a bit. "There is... something you all should know before you go after Azriel. He has one last card up his sleeve to deal with you, Miss Valentino."

Nyx tensed, "What the hell does that mean?" She asked in a slightly worried tone, she was already tired after everything that happened today, she wasn't sure how much more she could handle.

"Azriel has two other Gifted under his employ, a man named Rudi and a child named Kala. These two are a lethal combination and have been given a singular task. Keep an eye out for Infinity, and take her down." Willow said quietly. Nyx's eyes narrowed in thought for a moment before Orion stepped forward.

"Do you know what their Gifts are?" He asked her quietly, but his movements seemed much more confident than before.

Willow swallowed, "I know about Rudi's Gift but not Kala's. Azriel deliberately kept her Gift a secret from everyone. Rudi's Gift however," Willow paused and took a deep breath. "He can ingest a sample of an animal's DNA and gain certain attributes from that animal. He can ingest a bird's DNA, and sprout wings, or razor sharp claws if he were to ingest tiger DNA. The draw back is that, the more DNA he consumes and the more his body is changed, the more his mind slips in turn. That's why I know about his Gift, I was warned." Willow spoke with a slightly shaking voice and it made Nyx a bit nervous.

She chuckled slightly to hide her uneasiness, "I've had to deal with Rhys' anger for a while now, I think I can handle a crazy animal hybrid. It's the unknown kid I'm worried about."


"Nerissa, stop!" Soul yelled out before her hands thrust forward. Shadows shot out and quickly wrapped around Nerissa's entire body, from her feet up to her chin. The shadows did the same thing to Jaya, and they were both bound completely and they thrashed and grunted in anger. Soul quickly turned to the two guys, "What do we do?" She asked urgently. Danny and Rhys stared at Nerissa with vacant looks in their eyes. "Hey!" Soul clapped to get their attention and they looked over at her. "What do we do?!" She asked again while looking at Danny, her eyes pleading for his fast moving brain to think of something.

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