"Miss Valentino, what is the meaning of this?!" He said angrily. His dark eyes burned into Elizabeth, already knowing that it was her idea.

"What is the meaning of sending Isaac on an S Class mission?! His Gift is barely fit for combat, let alone going alone on an S Class mission against the Erebus Mafia!" Elizabeth yelled as she placed her hands against the desk and leaned forward a bit to get in the Chairman's face.

"How did you know it was against the Erebus Mafia?" Blackwood asked with an accusatory tone and Elizabeth narrowed her eyes.

"Don't change the subject, why did you send him?" Elizabeth reiterated her question with more anger. "His Gift is for infiltration and code breaking only, if you had to send him then why the hell did you send him alone?" Elizabeth's face twisted in anger, Isaac's Gift wasn't very viable in powered combat. His Gift was Super Prediction... Danny's Gift, except Isaac hadn't honed his Gift to the extent that Danny had. Isaac could only use it for opening electronic locks at his current level.

Blackwood sighed softly. "Because it was supposed to be a simple surveillance job. He was supposed to observe a meeting between the Erebus Mafia and an unknown party. All he had to do was ID the other party and retreat..." He trailed off as he sat down in his desk chair.

"But...?" Elizabeth egged him on to get to the bad news.

"I lost contact with him about an hour ago." Blackwood admitted with an irritated growl in his tone. Elizabeth's eyes widened in anger again.

"Come on, Mia. We're going to get him." Elizabeth said before she turned around and began walking out of the room.

"Miss Valentino," Blackwood said swiftly, causing Elizabeth to stop walking and turn back around. "You are not going anywhere, especially not with our only healer." Blackwood's eyes turned hard as he linked his fingers together on the desk. Elizabeth exchanged a look with Mia before she walked closer to the desk.

"I'm sorry, are you telling me we're just going to abandon him?" Elizabeth asked with a normal tone, but the anger in her eyes was impossible to miss.

"I'm telling you that I can't risk losing two highly valuable agents just to save one agent who is likely already dead." Blackwood responded coldly before Elizabeth growled in rage and Mia tensed slightly.

"Fuck you. We're going." Elizabeth growled angrily before she turned to leave the room again with Mia following closely.

"Elizabeth." Blackwood said, causing Elizabeth to halt again and turn back around. "If you leave the grounds, you're expelled." He said sternly, causing Mia to tense and look over at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth tilted her head slightly with a subtle smile. "Doubt it." She mused confidently before she left the room, and Mia followed after a tense look with Blackwood.

After a twenty minute drive, the two girls parked their car a safe distance away from the warehouse that Isaac was sent to. Elizabeth and Mia got out of the car and continued on foot rather quickly. Mia had a small handgun while Elizabeth had a compact sniper rifle that could be comfortably slung onto her back. "There." Elizabeth whispered once they got to the gate of the property and peeked around the corner, Elizabeth could see a ladder that led up to an exterior catwalk. "That'll give us a better vantage point." She said as she looked at Mia.

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