"Oh, fuck..." Nate said quietly as he stared into the large room, and at the woman sitting on the posh couch in the center of the room. The horrifyingly familiar black haired woman that he hadn't seen since the day Oliver died.

"I agree." Willow mused as she slowly stood up from the couch and smoothed down her long tailcoat. Nate felt raw fear flow into him and this time he couldn't hide it as she stepped closer with a subtle smile. "Considering that, this time, you're not the one in control." She said lyrically as her eyes flashed bright violet.


"Take...your disgusting hands...off her." Kyle growled in barely restrained rage as his fists clenched and shook. Reiko grinned evily before he moved both of his hands behind Nyx and shoved her away from him.

"Fine by me." Reiko said as Nyx stumbled and fell onto her hands and knees, one of her hands clutched her throat and she began coughing dryly. "It's not like you'll be able to do anything to save her in time anyway." Reiko mused cockily as Kyle's body tensed and shook with pure rage again.

"You wanna bet?" Kyle growled out before his eyes flicked down to Nyx, who was still coughing and holding her throat. She wasn't touched right over the heart like I was. So she has time, but not much, she might have one minute, max. Kyle raised his head to look at Reiko before his eyes flashed pink and dozens of Kyle clones filled the room, all glaring at Reiko as he swiveled his eyes calmly to look at them. "You know, it's fascinating to find out how one's Gift can change after coming so close to death." Kyle took a few steps closer with a slightly menacing look in his eyes and an unhinged smirk on his lips. "Have you ever heard of hard light?" He asked Reiko and his eyes narrowed in subtle intrigue. "It's a concept of turning holograms into solid constructs...like my clones, for example." Kyle smiled darkly before all of his clones began closing in quickly. Reiko quickly reacted to one of them swinging a knife at him and he ducked to avoid it before rolling across the ground. Once he was back on his feet, he sidestepped another slash and tried to avoid a stab but it struck true in his stomach. Confusion quickly spread across Reiko's face when the knife just went straight through him, then a loud gunshot pierced the air.

Reiko looked down at his leg when he could feel it beginning to buckle and shake, but he still felt no pain. He stared blankly at a bullet wound in his thigh and blood already began staining his pants before a second and third gunshot sounded. Two more wounds appeared in the same leg and that leg finally gave out. Reiko looked up just in time to see the clones all fade away into pink digital energy and Kyle kicked Reiko to the ground with a loud growl of anger.

Kyle sneered as enraged madness laced his eyes, "You fell for that? You really are stupid." Kyle lifted his gun again and shot three rounds into Reiko's other leg to hinder his movement even further. "Just like thinking you could kill me, or thinking I would allow you to kill her." Kyle then adjusted his aim and shot two rounds into Reiko's left arm. "And by the way, no one-" Kyle then moved his aim and shot Reiko's other arm twice. "-touches my sister." He growled out angrily again before he stowed his gun and pulled out his knife as he kneeled onto Reiko's chest. Reiko wheezed a bit from Kyle's weight before it morphed into a soft laugh.

"Better hurry, I can feel her heart slowing down." Reiko wheezed out his psychotic taunt, still not showing an ounce of fear for his life.

Kyle gripped his knife tightly and began to slowly push it into Reiko's throat. Even though Reiko couldn't feel pain, Kyle knew he could still feel the blood filling his throat and his airflow being completely blocked. Reiko gasped and choked as he lifted his weak arm to try and push Kyle off of him, but Kyle only responded by using his free hand to grab his wrist and shove it back down against the ground. "Honestly, just stop struggling...you should consider yourself lucky I don't have more time. This...is the feeling you gave everyone you've ever touched...I should know. That slow, encroaching feeling? That's fear...and soon...death. Enjoy it as it fades, roach." Kyle growled out as he leaned closer to Reiko's face to enjoy this feeling. It wasn't long before Reiko fell still and silent when the knife was shoved as far as it could go into his throat. Kyle then removed the knife swiftly and stabbed it right into his heart with a yell of anger. Kyle then stood up with a blank look on his face and he breathed evenly through his mouth. "Death is too good for you." Kyle said quietly before he spit on Reiko's unmoving body. He tensed when he heard Nyx coughing again behind him and he whipped around with wide eyes.

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