Nate shut the door to the department store after reminding the family to barricade themselves inside after they left. "Okay, now that they're safe, what's the plan now?" He asked his friends as they all could hear boxes being moved to cover the door.

"I'm thinking...this is where we should split up." Danny responded quietly, even though it was clear that he didn't want to.

"Wait why? We haven't even found a lead yet." Rhys responded as he glanced around, making sure that they were safe for at least the moment. The group jolted when a sudden explosion bloomed from a building down the street from them.

"Well, that's as good a lead as any." Nate said before they all started running down the street towards the explosion. The smoke and fire had calmed slightly by the time they reached the building it bloomed from. Danny approached the giant hole in the building first and peeked around the corner. "Hello?! If any survivors can hear me, say somethi-" Danny yelled out as he fully stepped around the corner before he was cut off abruptly, and he quickly realized his mistake of not fully activating his Super Prediction. The rest of the group saw a strange pink stream of light shoot from the building before colliding with Danny. It sent him flying backwards as it wrapped around his arms and body. The group tensed before Nyx suddenly shifted forward before lifting her leg up high and slamming her foot down onto the link, stopping it dead in its tracks and leaving a large crater in the cement. Danny grunted as his inertia was suddenly stopped dead and his feet planted on the ground. Everyone quickly realized what was wrapped around Danny, pink chains made from solid energy. Nyx looked confused at the chains before she looked over into the building where they had come from.

A guy emerged from the smoke that flowed from the building. He had light blue hair and his eyes glowed pink, but Nyx could clearly tell that he was lucid, not under Azriel's control. "Oh come on, why do I always run into the assholes?" He said in a smooth tone as he gripped the pink chain in his hand, it looked as though the chain was manifesting into existence from his palm.

"Release him, now." Nyx growled out in anger as she kept her foot planted on the chain to keep it from pulling Danny closer. He was struggling to take a full breath from how tightly the chains were wrapped around him.

The stranger snickered. "Nah, I'm good. I'll lock you down though, that's for sure." He said cockily before his other hand shot forward and another pink chain shot from his palm. Nyx's mind raced in bullet time, if she didn't move she would be bound, but if she did move, Danny would be pulled in helplessly towards the stranger. However, just before the chain reached her, there was a flash of blue as Orion shot across and grabbed the chain, his new draconic wings unfurled and glowing fiery blue. He soared up into the air a bit with the chain in his hands and flicked the chain in a small circle, causing it to loop around the stranger and hold his upper arms against his body. Orion grunted slightly as he pulled hard on the chain, causing the man to stumble forward and fall onto the ground. This caused the strangers focus on his Gift to waver and the chains around Danny loosened slightly and he inhaled deeply from the intense preassure being relieved.

"Hey." Nate spoke in a normal tone as the stranger struggled to stand. He made the mistake of looking at Nate and his body tensed as Nate took control. "Release your Gift." Nate ordered as he kneeled down in front of the stranger, who was staring back with an extremely familiar, red eyed gaze. All of the chains immediately faded away and Danny finally had full range of motion as Orion landed on the ground next to him. All of Sanctuary's agents approached Nate and the stranger as Nate gave his second order. "Tell me who you are."

"My name is Xavier, I'm one of Azriel's sleepers." Xavier said in a slightly empty tone before a smile spread across Nate's lips.

"Perfect, do you know of a woman named Nerissa?" Nate asked, his friends eyes widened in slight surprise that Nate asked about her first and not about Azriel's lair.

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