The Shibuya incident Arc: Zaegar's actions

Start from the beginning

There weren't any leftover residuals, so they had no official tracking lead to begin with, but based on all the information Utahime gathered while the students were resting, she painfully had to admit that Gojo's theory might've been correct.

Yuji: I don't know, it just doesn't feel right. One of the students, really?

Yuji said, confused.

Megumi: All the more reason to believe that he could've handed out information that he wasn't supposed to.

Megumi replied.

Nobara: Yeah, I always felt something fishy was going on with him.

Utahime listened to the students conversing with one another before deciding to allow Megumi and Yuji to take the lead. 

According to Gojo, other than Yhwach's little lizard pet, Megumi was considered one of the strongest.

Utahime: (In thought) Can he actually control something that powerful? His aura is going rampant.

Megumi walked to the creepy door on the first floor of the parking building and tried to open it. When his hands made contact with the doorknob, Utahime saw his reaction—the doorknob happened to feel very cold.

Megumi took one more glance at Utahime and the others before fully opening the door. From behind, Utahime saw lots of rats running around on the side of the walls that led down the dark stairs. 

If the culprit, Kokichi Muta, wasn't down here, then surely there had to have been a cursed spirit of some sort. Megumi, Utahime, Yuji, and Nobara kept the same pace as they descended the stairs. The smell got worse with each step, and Utahime could tell that Nobara was barely suppressing her disgust back.

Not only that but as they went further down, it smelled more like piss and shit. It was so bad that Utahime couldn't take it any longer and decided to squeeze her nostrils.

When they reached the bottom, Megumi was the first one to spot another door. He slowly walked towards it and tried opening it. He couldn't, the door seemed to be locked.

Megumi glanced at Yuji, and judging by Yuji's posture, he knew exactly what he needed to do.

With one swift and powerful kick from Yuji, the door busted open and flew across the room.

Utahime: He's...not here...

Utahime said.

Scene Break - Restaurant

In the bustling atmosphere of the restaurant, Yhwach and Zaegar sat across from each other, surrounded by the din of chatter and clinking utensils. Yhwach regarded Zaegar with a curious expression, his gaze piercing yet calm.

Yhwach: Zaegar, I must ask... why did you unleash such fury upon the higher-ups? Surely there were other ways to handle the situation.

Zaegar met Yhwach's gaze with a passive expression.

Zaegar: Do you like being controlled, Yhwach? Are you some fucking masochist? like be for real right now do you enjoy being at the mercy of others, dancing to their tune like a puppet on strings?

Yhwach's expression remained composed, his eyes meeting Zaegar's with a steady gaze.

Yhwach: Control... is an illusion, Zaegar. Those who believe they wield it are merely slaves to their own delusions. True power lies not in dominance over others, but in mastery over oneself.

His words carried a weight of wisdom.

Yhwach: As for whether I enjoy being controlled, I assure you, Zaegar, I am no puppet. I value freedom above all else. But freedo-

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