87: The Ghost and His Dragons

Start from the beginning

"You think I didn't feel that rage when Nathan killed my father?" Damien said in a low tone and Nyx felt Nate's grip on her hand get tighter. Rhys expression shifted to surprise for a moment before the look of anger took its place again.

"Oh, I remember. I remember you attacking a whole festival of innocent people just to kill Nyx!" Rhys spat in Damien's face as he lifted his arms and shoved Damien back. Nyx pulled her hand out of Nate's and moved in between the two hot-headed powerhouses.

"Hey, woah. Rhys, listen to me." Nyx said sternly as she placed a hand against his chest to keep him back. Rhys looked down at her and listened. "I know that this is going to take a while, trust me...I'm still not completely used to this...and while yes, he has done some horrible things, he also saved my life...more than once." Rhys glanced over at Damien again, who was looking at him with a hard look, before he looked back down at Nyx. "He also just saved Kyle's life not twenty minutes ago, Mia was going to kill him...It's our job here at Sanctuary to not only save civilians in need, but to save Gifted in need as well. Please, Rhys. Give him a chance." By the time Nyx was done with her little speech, everyone had looks of surprise on their faces.

"Nyx?" Orion spoke up quietly, causing Nyx to look past Rhys and lock eyes with him. Orion stepped forward, blatantly ignoring Damien. He swallowed, clearly struggling to find his words. "You...you gave me a chance at being a better person...so, if you think that he can be a better person too..." Orion's eyes flicked over to Damien for a moment before he looked back at Nyx. "Then I trust you." He said to her like Damien wasn't even there. Damien's posture softened a bit, but he was still on edge.

Nyx smiled softly at Orion and placed a hand on his arm. "Thank you. While I'm still not used to this myself, he has proven that there is good in him." Nyx then turned around to look at Damien, who raised his head to meet her eyes. "So much so, that I'm trusting him with watching Kyle."

"What?" Damien suddenly said in surprise, causing Nyx to turn around. "You want me to watch over the sleeping beauty?" His voice seemed irritated.

"Yes. Azriel knows where Sanctuary is, and he already tried to force Mia to kill him once, clearly he's upset that Reiko couldn't finish the job. We can't leave him alone when he's in a coma like this. We need a powerhouse like you to guard him." Nyx spoke in a determined tone, but Damien clearly wasn't pleased about what she was saying but he knew that he definitely shouldn't argue.

"That's right." Elizabeth spoke up after so long of being silent, "Besides, all the other agents still aren't aware of your trial enrollment right now. There's a strong chance they'll attack on sight if you're seen out in the city." She said as she tapped her first two fingers against her desk a few times.

"Damien." Soul's voice was quiet, but Damien still whipped around quickly to look at her. She stepped forward until she was about a foot away from him before she stopped. Damien stared at her before she spoke again. "Please, watch over Kyle. We need you to keep him safe...please." Her voice was soft and quiet, Damien's eyes widened slightly before he quickly built his mask back up and he averted his gaze.

"Fine. I'll stay." Damien said quietly before something unexpected happened that shook Damien to his core. He felt Soul rush forward and hug him tightly. Damien's breath hitched a bit and his entire body tensed, but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to hug her back. He didn't feel like he deserved it. Not yet. Soul released him and stepped back nervously, and then took a few more steps back. She was clearly embarrassed from letting her emotions push forward like that.

Elizabeth cleared her throat sternly, and everyone in the room looked at her and gave her their full attention. "Forgive me if this sounds rude, but we don't have time for reunions. The city is in chaos and we must do something. Now, I'm sending you out in teams of three. Damien, you're staying here and watching over Kyle, I'm staying as well to keep an eye on Mia in the event Azriel releases his hold on her. Team one will consist of Rhys, Soul, and Danny. You three will be tasked with finding Nerissa by any means necessary. I find it hard to believe that she would be willingly working alongside Azriel to commit these atrocious acts. With Mia under his control, we are completely out of a healer as well. Team two will consist of Nyx, Orion and Nate-"

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