"You won't be." Eve said sternly, causing Damien to look up in slight confusion. Eve scoffed once, "I'm not gunna let that happen, so you don't have to worry about it, Big Red." Eve smiled and it caused Damien to take pause, it had been a long time since he had seen her and he'd forgotten how calming she was.

"You'll...forgive me if I have my doubts. Even Nyx wanted to kill me after she woke up." Damien said in a low tone.

"Man, you're dumb." Eve said suddenly, causing Damien to do a double take. "If these guys wanted to kill you, they would've done so already. What possible purpose would they have for keeping you alive for this long?" Eve asked him before raising her eyebrows, waiting for Damien's answer.

"They need me." Damien finally answered and Eve snapped her fingers.

"There it is, my guy, you are crazy strong and they know that. I'll bet anything that they-" Eve was cut off when the two heard more footsteps approaching the cell evenly. Eve saw who it was long before Damien could. Based on the look on Eve's face, he could wager a guess.

He was correct, it was Elizabeth. "Hello, Chairman." He said politely.

"Save it, Damien." She spat out after he had greeted her. "You're lucky your sister and my daughter are so trusted, or you would rot away in this cell. They have convinced me that you've truly changed, so I'm willing to take a chance. This is Sanctuary, after all, where we save wayward Gifted." Elizabeth's tone was all business while her eyes were all distaste. Eve was a few paces behind her, watching the situation with an unreadable look on her face.

Damien nodded subtly as he swallowed. "Yes ma'am." He said in a low tone before Elizabeth reached behind her and revealed a ring of keys.


Nyx was walking down the hall towards the Infirmary to see Kyle again. She kept her head straight, completely ignoring the blatant stares that were being drilled into her from all sides. Danny's dream was still weighing heavily on her mind and it kept her distracted, she hadn't seen him that scared in a long time. He had told Elizabeth about it and she truly did seem concerned, considering the silence from Azriel after his initial threat.

"Hey." Nyx heard a voice behind her and stopped walking as she immediately recognized it. She turned around and saw Nate standing a few feet down the hall. He was looking at her with a tired gaze, a gaze that still held a small amount of warmth.

"Hey." Nyx responded to him in a flat tone as she glanced away. Nate's face softened and turned somber.

"Are you...okay?" He asked quietly as he took a step forward, his posture was casual but had a hint of shyness, which was strange for him. Nyx felt a tinge of pain in her heart.

Nyx sighed, she was still kind of mad at him but...he was just so easy to talk to. "I'm okay. Kyle is alive and I can't complain about that..." Nyx shuffled a bit before Nate noticed a slight flush to her cheeks. "Thank you...for answering my phone call. I wouldn't have been able to bring him back without you." She looked embarrassed and wouldn't look him in the eyes. Nate smiled softly, he knew she wanted to say something but her pride was getting in the way.

Nate took another step forward, "Nyx, you don't have to thank me for that. Sure, things between us are a bit... confusing, but I'll always answer when you call." Nate said with a soft smile that made Nyx's stomach flutter again. She smiled back at him, the kind of genuine yet subtle smile that made Nate's heartbeat thump in his ears. Nyx stepped forward and hugged him as she rested her head on his shoulder. Nate stiffened and his eyes went wide for a moment. It took him a few seconds before he was able to hug her back and he closed his eyes with a gentle sigh. I missed you so much...

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