Vol 5: Chapter 4 - Quintet of Mischief Makers

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12th August

"I'm so, so happy, Kiyo!" Nino said, her hands trembling slightly due to how excited she is.

"We didn't expect you to actually agree to spend time with us like this, Kiyotaka-kun... You have no idea how happy this makes us." Ichika said, smiling from ear to ear.

These 5 headaches... It's not like I had much of a choice.


"Kiyo, there you are!" Nino practically bounded towards me, her sisters trailing behind with equal eagerness.

Hirata, Akito, Eichiro and I'm sure even Kouenji, who's inside the bathroom, is feeling relatively relieved at my arrival.

"Kiyotaka-san, please spend time with us!"

"It's been a while since you've given us the time of day. Please..." Ichika implored, her eyes beseeching, hoping to sway my resolve.

I wasn't entirely certain of the intentions of these five, but a sense of foreboding told me it wasn't anything benign. Just as I was about to decline whatever they had in mind without a second thought, my attention was drawn to Eichiro and Akito in the back.

'Take them away! Take them away!' They mouthed the words, gesturing urgently, their clasped hands practically begging for me to just go along with them.

My gaze shifted slightly towards Hirata, who's re-wrapping his towel around his waist. He didn't make it obvious that he wants the same thing as the other two, but from the wry smile he's exhibiting, I could tell even he's hoping I could bring these 5 as far away from here as possible.

For god's sake... I inwardly cursed the troublesome predicament I found myself in and reluctantly turned to face the quintet of mischief-makers.

"What do you guys want?"

"It's a surprise, Kiyotaka... Just come with us. We've already made a 2 hour reservation."

A reservation? I doubted it was for karaoke, given that everyone should know by now that I neither can nor will sing.

My mind raced through various possibilities, yet I couldn't decipher their intentions.

My gaze involuntarily flicked back to the two idiots in the background, now kneeling on the bed as if their lives depended on it.

For fuck's sake...

"Alright, let's go."

"Yes!" The 5 of them exclaimed in jubilation.

"But, only if the 5 of you promise never to step foot in our room again."

They seemed unfazed by my condition, nodding eagerly.

"Not a problem, let's go!"

Nino and Miku latched onto each of my arms and began pulling me away as we headed for whatever these 5 have in store.

Eichiro, Hirata, Akito, Kouenji, you guys owe me big time for this shit.


As we arrived at the reception area of the place they reserved, I finally realised their true intentions. I mentally slapped myself in the face for not being able to figure out what they wanted.

"A private onsen...?" I muttered in disbelief.

"That's right! We've brought you here to release any and all tensions inside of you!" Yotsuba seemed excited.

"Just let go and relax, Kiyotaka." From behind, Miku sensually whispered into my ear as she teasingly massaged my shoulders a little.

Why the hell would they bring me, a male, to a private onsen? I'm contemplating whether I should spend points to take these 5 in for a brain scan, because what runs through those brains of theirs for even having this thought?

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