Vol 3 : Chapter 2 - Pray

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White Room

It was like you brought color to my world. You changed my life, all by yourself.


"Can you please stop this? Trying to befriend and help me over and over again. It's really getting on my nerves."

"B-But Chiyo-chan, I just want to get along with every-"

"Who do you think you are? You think you're better than everyone or something? That's why you keep trying to help everyone?"

"N-No! T-That's-"

"I'm speaking on behalf of everyone when I say this, we don't need your pity or help. We don't want to be friends with you. None of us do. Alright? Get that through that thick skull of yours...Actually, you know what? Maybe there is a way for us to be friends."

Hearing this, Hiromi brightened up slightly, thinking that a chance has come for her.

"W-What is it?"

"If you introduce me to Ayanokouji-kun, then promise to stay away from him after he and I have become close, I would be willing to be friends with you." Chiyo smirked slightly.

Hiromi, unsure how to respond, froze for a moment. She looked down and clenched her fists slightly.

"So, what's it going to be? Will- "

"That's never going to happen." Hiromi cut her off in a low voice.

"Eh~... Is that so? Don't you want to be friends with everyone so badly? You've been pestering everyone here since day one, you know? But now that a chance has come, you didn't even think twice about rejecting it. Did you not really intend to get along with everyone and was instead just trying to annoy us? To make us lose focus and get us eliminated maybe...?"

"I wasn't trying to do that. I do want to get along with everyone, but...not at a cost like that. Kiyotaka is...Kiyotaka is the most precious person to me. He's everything to me. I'm never going to leave him. Never." She spoke in a firm tone.

Chiyo clicked her tongue in frustration and glared at her.

"Just because Ayanokouji-kun is your friend, it doesn't mean that you're better than everyone else. There's no way someone like you, who has been trying to build so many relationships with every one you meet, regardless of gender, will ever stay loyal to him, or is able to make him happy... You know what? This is a waste of time. I'm leaving."

Chiyo walked away from Hiromi with heavy steps, clearly frustrated with Hiromi's rejection to her request.

"No good, huh?" Hiromi sighed in exasperation as she continued looking down with her fists clenched.

"Still not going to give up?"


She turned around, looking surprised and slightly startled upon suddenly hearing my voice.

"Oh, its you, Kiyotaka." She smiled wryly at me. "Did...Did you hear?" She asked nervously.

"No, I was watching from a far. Your conversation was inaudible to me."

I was watching her from quite a distance away, so I wasn't able to hear the contents of their conversation, but, just from looking at their body language and it will be obvious to anyone that things didn't go well.

"Is that so? That's a relief..." She breathed a sigh of relief and held her hand near her chest.

I was a little curious about why she didn't want me to hear the conversation. Did it have something to do with me? No, it can't be. What kind of egoist are you to think that you will pop up in a conversation between girls?

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