Vol 4: Chapter 7 - Leaders Identity

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1st August

First day, 3:35 PM

"Horikita. Can I talk with you for a moment?" I approached Horikita who was sitting by a tree alone.

"Me? Why?"

"It's fairly important."

"What about Yukimura-kun?"

Horikita was assisting Yukimura with the logistics side of things but it seems like they're taking a break.

"Yukimura will manage just fine. Just come with me."


She stood up and followed me along the river. Once we were far away from base, I sat down behind a large tree.

"Sit here." I patted the spot beside me, ushering her to sit.

"What's in the bag?" She asked.

"Just some personal stuff."

"So, why'd you call me?"

"I called you here because I want you to know the truth."

"The truth? About what?"

"The leaders identity."

"W-What? Aren't you the leader?" She asked quizzically.

"No. I'm not."

"Then, who?"

"Firstly, I would like you to keep this between us. No one in or out of the class should know."

"Why? I understand outside of the class, but shouldn't the class know who's our leader to protect their identity?"

"If even our own classmates don't know who's the leader, how would our enemies know?"

"...Fair point. But, why are you telling me this? Shouldn't you be telling Itsuki-san, Hirata-kun, or Kushida-san instead?"

"No, it needs to be you."


"Cause I have more faith and belief in you then them."

"R-Really...?" Horikita asked, a little flustered.

Red appeared on her cheeks as she started fidgeting with her hair a little. It's quite a sight to see a flustered Ice Queen. Guess it's my lucky day.

"Yes. Though, one thing that does disappoint me is how much you yearn for your brothers approval."

"T-That's... I admired my brother a lot since I was little. He was the best at everything be it academics, martial arts, or anything he took up."

"True. Your brother is very talented. However, you're extremely talented as well, Horikita. I believe that your potential will go to waste if you continue seeking your brothers approval. Reach for a higher goal."

"Higher goal?"

"Well, maybe not striving to reach perfection, since, that's impossible for virtually anyone. What I believe you should do is strive to be better than you were before. Better than you were last week, the day before, the hour before. If you can do that, I'm confident that you'll grow into an extremely strong person."

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