Vol 3 : Chapter 1 - Nishioka Hiromi

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White Room

The White Room. I'm sure most people would have no clue what to think upon hearing these 2 words. Try telling them about the existence of this place and you would surely find yourself being ignored or brushed off.

Even if you try and explain to the majority of the population what this place is, what takes place in here, what its goal is, I'm sure they would just assume that you were talking about a place in a movie or would not even believe that a facility like this exists in this day and age.

But...It's real alright. This facility, that has been running for around 20 years, with the sole goal of attaining research to mass produce exceptional people to take over Japan, and by extension, the world, is where I, the 4th generation's one and only, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, was born.

Right now, the 4th generation, the generation I am from, is still in the early stages, so there are still a couple hundred of us. Around 300, I think.

Usually, the number in each generation is supposed to be around 200, but due to the massive increase in difficulty of the 4th generation compared to the other generations, past or future, the number of eliminations will inevitably increase drastically, so they will need more students to compensate for the incoming losses.

I sometimes wondered about how they are able to house so many of us, but then again this facility is incredibly large. Not to mention the dozens of other backup facilities that man owns and the constant number of eliminations.

I used to think that I would continue to mindlessly complete my tasks and ignored the others.

Though, if I'm being honest, I didn't really want to ignore them. In fact, I remembered that I have always tried to make conversations with them.

I've always wanted to experience what it was like to have a friend. How do people become friends? Is it when they share a meal together? Or when they have been acquainted for a period of time? I wanted to try find these answers and experience these things in the break times that we got.

I wanted to try and fill this emptiness inside of me.

However, the other students are... let's say 'split', in the way they look at or interact with me. But, despite this split and mixed reactions, the outcome would always be the same.

Some of them would look at me with slight anger, contempt, and by extension fear. While some, on the other hand, tend to get fidgety and nervous whenever I tried to approach and engage in conversation with them. Sometimes, they would run away from me.

"O-Oh A-Ayanokouji-k-kun i-is talking to me!?"


"N-No! I don't deserve to speak with Ayanokouji-kun!"

I've always been confused about why they were always nervous and tried to run away from me whenever I spoke to them. Or why some would look at me with such intense feelings.

Unfortunately, I never got an answer from any of them. 'Wait, don't leave.'. These words that I spoke softly were always ignored as they ran.

After a while, I gave up on these things and instead focused my attention towards completing my tasks and ensuring my survival.

The others were slowly eliminated one by one. Each time I saw them getting eliminated, I grew colder and colder.

As if the pain receptors in my body were no longer functioning, I grew numb, to the point where I no longer feel anything upon seeing them getting eliminated.

As long as it wasn't me...As long as I survived...that's all that matters... That was the selfish mindset that I've implemented within myself.

Anyways, I've gotten a bit sidetracked there. Back to the main topic.

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