Vol 5: Chapter 2 - Playing Dirty

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12 August

I made my way into the meeting room just before 1pm and found that I was the last person to arrive. There was a round table with chairs set up around them, with one left empty between Hirata & Ituski, I'm assuming reserved for me

"Oh, of course, his royal highness is the last one. Should we have rolled out the fucking red carpet for you as well?" Ryueen, blunt as ever, was the first to notice my arrival and clearly not shy of announcing it to everyone.

"Kiyotaka-kun, you finally made it. I'm glad. Have you eaten yet? I brought some delicious macarons to share with you." Hiyori placed a box of unopened macarons on the table.

She's really the sweetest angel I can ever find. It's hard to find someone with a purer heart than her. The way she conducts herself and that sweet smile on her face is enough to soften my heart, even just a little bit.

"Thank you so much, Hiyori. You really are the sweetest."

"No, it's nothing..." I could see her lips curl up slightly as she tried to cover up her flushed face with her sweater.

"I-I also brought you snacks, Kiyotaka-kun!"

"Itsuki, that's a half-eaten doughnut."

To be honest, 'half-eaten' does not even begin to justify it. I don't think even an ant would feel full after finishing the portion she just offered to me.

I promptly took my seat amongst them in order to get this meeting underway, taking a piece of the macarons offered by Hiyori in the process.

Everyone else had various reactions to my arrival. Kaneda, Kamuro and Katsuragi were giving me calculative looks, almost as if they believed I already have something to hide, despite the meeting not even starting yet.

I shall refer to these 3 as the 'KKK'... was my first thought, but after thinking about it, I feel like it doesn't really fit well as none of them have been trying to hunt down Albert in any way. 

In normal circumstances, Kanzaki would've been part of the 'KKK' as well, but it seems like I've gained a level of his trust after helping his class to an important victory in the island exam.

I'm also interested to see who between him and Honami will take the lead for Class C during this exam. I'm guessing that it will continue to be the latter, but another victory from Kanzaki here would go a long way in shifting the support and conscience of his classmates.

Arisu, my princess, does not look as playful as she usually is. Despite her expression appearing the same as usual to others, I could tell that there is a certain intensity in her eyes as she stared daggers at me. Clearly, she was out for blood, my blood, to be exact.

As I took my seat, an announcement came over the speaker.

"The first group discussion begins now."

A short and simple announcement kicks off the start of the second special exam in our ANHS lives.

This was a group filled with leaders, and strategists from all classes from our year, so I was curious as to who would be the one taking the lead here. Most people here, on their own, would've been able to command any other group, so it would be interesting to see the many conflicting attempts at asserting leadership dominance.

"I suppose I should start this meeting by explaining Class B's stance-"

"You have zero rights to speak on our behalf."

Katsuragi's attempts at taking control of the meeting was immediately abolished by his own classmates as Kamuro and Arisu both shut him down.

Arisu, why has your smile dropped so low?

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