Vol 3 : Chapter 5 - I Absolutely Despise You

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White Room

All the liabilities in this world are due to the inadequacies of the person involved.


Hiromi began moving, and so did the other testers. Despite the overwhelming disadvantage in numbers, she managed to skillfully, and elegantly, repel and dodge the strikes aimed at her.

There were a couple instances where she got hurt, however it wasn't much, just tiny slashes once in a while. This went on for a while, making it hard to determine a clear winner.

To be able to fight off this many people, while still holding herself back to not go with the latter option, which is to kill them, is testament to how skilled and talented she truly is.

Throughout the fight, I couldn't help but continue thinking about the peculiarities, and this uncomfortable feeling in my chest.

What is truly going on here?

As the fight progressed into the 10 minute mark, I noticed something that shed more light onto the situation.

Hiromi is getting tired right now. It was blatantly obvious. Yet, the fight didn't seem to be stopping. In fact, the testers seemed to be trying even harder now.

Shouldn't they put a stop this? She's already done well enough, and her performance should be passable. The attacks aimed at her has also become much more aggressive and dangerous.

More, and more, she started taking more hits. But still, the testers didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.


That's the whole point.

I finally figured it out. The true goal of this special task.

That man...

I immediately leapt into action.

I tried to open the door, however, despite me unlocking it, it didn't budge when I tried to slide it open. It seems to be locked on the outside as well.

Damn it...

To think that is the reason behind this new door and glass panel.

Shut up. Now's not the time.

Screw it.

If the door is a no go, the glass will have to do.

I dashed towards the glass panel and threw a punch at it, hoping to shatter it in an instant. However, the glass wasn't even damaged in the slightest.

Not yet.

Again, and again. I threw punch after punch towards the glass panel, and yet it still stood strong.

Hiromi's taking more damage. There are a couple gashes on her arms and legs. She's losing quite an amount of blood.

You aren't taking her away from me just yet.

There's a very real possibility that she will pass out soon.

Not her...

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