Vol 3: Chapter 8 - Why'd You Leave Me?

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(Teen Hiromi for all of you horny people)

Knowing a person is like music. What attracts us to them is their melody, and as we get to know who they are, we learn their lyrics.


After that bloodbath, the White Room instructors rushed out to chase after Ayanokouji who went to pursue his prey.

When they found him, for a moment, they could only stare in shock at the scene.

Ayanokouji, leaning against a tree, with his sword facing up. On the blade, the head of the guy was resting on it with the blade going up and through the guys neck, making it look like a gigantic lollipop.

Only this time, the lollipop was dripping blood and instead of a lollipop, it was a persons head. It was certainly inedible. You could call it fresh meat.

Reminding themselves about the dangers of letting Ayanokouji out of the White Room, they quickly brought him back and cleaned up the place so that no traces of what had happened was present. Ayanokouji didn't resist in the slightest and went back inside.


White Room

As I came back into the White Room, I immediately requested to see Hiromi. Unfortunately, they said that she had passed on. Inability to accept what happened and my weakness to not realise what was happening sooner, I requested to see her body. Once again, I was not able to as they said that they had already disposed off the body.

Lies. They're lying. I don't know if she's really dead, or if they just refuse to let me see her, but I have no choice but to accept it as is and went back to my quarters to rest.

Ignoring the stares I was getting from the others, I walked to my bed. I took a look at Hiromi's bed. I saw her figure laying there, looking at me with her usual red cheeks and a wide smile.

"Kiyotaka! Let's read this book together!"

Then, her figure slowly faded away and the bed was empty again.

My world's dark again. The brightness when she was with me had been engulfed in darkness once again. The warmth she provided me was gone, replaced by coldness.

Why...? I don't understand what that man wants. I don't understand why he did it. I was at the top, was I not?

I was about to lie on my bed when doctor Maruo requested to meet me. I didn't ask much, and just dragged myself into his office.

As I entered, the first thing that caught my eye was an envelope and a box. I took a seat at the table and he took a seat in front of me.

"I'm... sorry for what happened."

"I don't care. What do you want?"

"I have a couple of things that she requested for me to give to you."

"So, she knew what was coming..." I eyed doctor Maruo.

"I'm sorry for not telling you..."

"Don't care. Where are they?"

"She wrote a letter for you and here's something she left behind as well."

"A letter? Something she left behind?"

He handed me the envelope and box.

Without saying a word, I left the room and went back into my quarters with those things in hand. As I laid back on my bed, I put the box aside and opened the envelope. I can see what it is later.

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