Vol 5: Chapter 0 - Food, Food and even more Food

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8th August,

"Fufufu. I see, so that's what happened... No wonder baldy was getting his head chewed on by my classmates. I'm so very satisfied." Arisu giggled in delight upon hearing the outcome of the special exam.

The sun had set, and we were having dinner on the ship's deck, just as I had promised her. She had chosen a secluded and quiet area, where nearly no students came by.

"I do wonder, just what in the world could've happened to Albert-kun? I hope he's feeling better."

That's a mystery I'm trying to figure out myself. Although I'm confident that Hearts is involved in Albert's injuries one way or another, there is currently no evidence to declare them guilty as the culprit, despite how everyone would believe that to be the case if they knew about the note. But, I have no intention of telling a soul about this and intend to get to the bottom of it myself.

"It looks like you're going to be leading Class B in the next special exam, Arisu. How are you feeling about that?"

"Excited, I suppose. I can put my class up against yours, after all, Kiyotaka-kun. You know by now how much I love a little confrontation with you." She took hold of my hand affectionately. "I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, Kiyotaka-kun. I would hate for you to dislike it."

"I don't hate it."

"You didn't say you like it..." Her smile turned into a bitter one. "Is there a particular reason why? Is it because of me? Is there any way I can change myself to your liking?"

"It's not your fault. It applies to everyone. At first, it was a little exciting, but, after being challenged so many times since school began, I guess it got dull. Now, at least for a little while, I would like to do things without having to expend much energy."

It started with my platform, then Ryueen, Nagumo, and the challenge I offered to Arisu. At one point, I think I might've been battling all three of them at the same time. Adding the school itself into the list of battles I've indulged myself in seems fair too.

"I do try to make things fun for you, Kiyotaka-kun. But, I truly believe that it's because you're so formidable that everything becomes bland for you, even if I'm the one going against you. Knowing that, I feel a little hurt, really."

That's a sensible conclusion. I suppose too many interesting things occured at the start so quickly that once it died down, so did the excitement. I do wonder when I would start taking interest in another challenge again.

"I truly wished that you, above anyone else, would have more interest in me."

I truly felt bad for her, but it's not like I'm to blame for any of this. Some things are beyond one's control.

"Other than getting to know me, which you have made so abundantly clear, what other things have you wished for in life?"

"Oh, now that's an interesting question... I've never really thought much, to be honest. What kind of job am I interested in, my priorities in life, I've never really considered them. I blame you for that, Kiyotaka-kun."

"Really, why is that?"

"After all, you're the one who barged into my mind and took a long vacation there. Because of that, you've been on my mind for years and I couldn't think much about my future. How can I, when the only future I wanted at the time was being able to get to know you?" She let out a small smile.

"I see... I'll take responsibility, then."

"Really? How so?"

"For now, I'll get you to figure out what you value most in life. From there, we can figure out how you truly want to live."

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