Vol 1: Chapter 19 - Celebrations

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3rd Person POV

Kushida: Good work everyone!

Currently, the tutors, quints, and Karuizawa are holding a celebration party in the karaoke room.

Eichiro: Thank god it's finally over.

Horikita: We must not take things lightly right now. We have the final exams to tackle.

Karuizawa: Can you just relax and be positive for a moment!

Hirata: I think that we should have a little break to re-energise ourselves before tackling the final exams.

Kushida: Yes! I think we all deserve a little break after all the hard work everyone put in!

Yukimura: I think we should also thank Ayanokouji for saving Sudo and organising the study groups. Who knows how an expulsion will affect our class points tally.

Mei-Yu: I agree, he is always saving us isn't he? He's really incredible!

Chiaki: Speaking of Kiyotaka-sama, hasn't he been strangely quiet?

Eichiro: You're right...

Nino: What is he...

Everyone looked around for a moment to find their unusually quiet prince. Once they landed their eyes on him, the girls held their chest as if they had been shot by an arrow from the cuteness they were seeing. However that didn't last long as it immediately changed to glares, but it wasn't at Kiyotaka, rather it was at someone else.

Karuizawa: WHAT ARE YO-

Ichika put her index finger to her lips and winked at the glaring girls, silencing everyone in the room.

Ichika: Shhh... He's tired right now... Let him rest...

In the corner of the room, Kiyotaka is currently sleeping with his face buried in Ichika's chest. Ichika had her hands on his cheek and hair while caressing them lovingly.

Immediately everyone quietened down, but the jealous glares from the girls didn't fade. Now they were whisper yelling.

Karuizawa: Give him to me...!

Chiaki: No, Kiyotaka-sama should sleep with me...!

Miku: No, no. Kiyotaka should sleep with me...!

Nino: Don't joke around he obviously should be sleeping on me...!

Hirata, the peacemaker, immediately took action to defuse the situation before the whispering turned to yelling, which will undoubtedly wake up their sleeping prince.

Hirata: Everyone, I think we should let Ayanokouji-kun sleep in peace. He's surely tired from all the hard work he has put in.

Kushida: I agree, he must be really tired right now. We shouldn't fight over this. It could wake him up.

Kushida did say that. But she seemed rather reluctant to say that sentence as a tinge of jealousy could be seen on her face.

Horikita looked like she was about to say something, but stopped herself.

Yukimura: Just let him sleep. He's done a lot already.

Itsuki: I'm not saying that we should wake him up, all I'm saying, is that he should obviously be resting on my lap.

Yotsuba: And who decided that Itsuki?

Miku: Yeah, Kiyotaka would definitely much prefer resting on my chest instead.

Nino: No, no he obviously would prefer sleeping on me. I have a bigger size after all.

Nino crossed her arms under her chest as if emphasising it.

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